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分 析 This is the first lesson in this module. The main topic is self-introduction, so improving the students’ abilities of listening and speaking on self-introductions is very important.2Qt小梦文库

知 识2Qt小梦文库

目 标 Key vocabulary: Chinese, from, where, year, about, what about…? Ms, America, not, England, hi, American, our, grade, he, China2Qt小梦文库

Key structures: Hello / Hi2Qt小梦文库

What's your name? My name is ...2Qt小梦文库

How old are you? I'm ...years old.2Qt小梦文库

Where are you from? I'm from ...2Qt小梦文库

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.2Qt小梦文库

能 力2Qt小梦文库

目 标 1. To understand conversations involving self-introduction.2Qt小梦文库

2. To give a brief self-introduction concerning name, age and hometown.2Qt小梦文库

情 感2Qt小梦文库

态 度 Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2Qt小梦文库

Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.2Qt小梦文库

教学方法 Interactive approach2Qt小梦文库

教 具 Tape recorder, Multimedia2Qt小梦文库

教学过程 Step 1: Warming up2Qt小梦文库

1. The teacher show the PPT and play a short flash, the students enjoy the song .2Qt小梦文库

2. Play a guessing game "Brainstorm" by asking the students "What's it?"2Qt小梦文库

Then show the useful sentences by introducing myself.2Qt小梦文库

I am Li Fang. I am from Wuhan. I am Chinese.2Qt小梦文库

I am 25 years old. I am your new teacher.2Qt小梦文库

3. Ask the students to introduce themselves in groups by using these sentences:2Qt小梦文库

What's your name? Where are you from?2Qt小梦文库

How old are you? Which class are you in?2Qt小梦文库

Nice to meet you.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2: Listening2Qt小梦文库

1. Play the recording in activity 1 and ask the students to listen and check how many people speak.2Qt小梦文库

2. Play it again and ask the students to check the words their hear.2Qt小梦文库

3. Check the answers with the whole students.2Qt小梦文库

Step 3: Listen and read2Qt小梦文库

1. Play the recording in activity 3 and ask the students to listen2Qt小梦文库

and answer the questions. Then check the answers.2Qt小梦文库

(1) How many people speak in the conversation?2Qt小梦文库

(2) Who are they?2Qt小梦文库

(3) Are they in the same class?2Qt小梦文库

2. Play it again and check the true sentences in act 3. Ask some2Qt小梦文库

students to correct the wrong ones.2Qt小梦文库

3. Put the students into groups of four to practise the dialogue.2Qt小梦文库

The students repeat it several times, changing roles each time.2Qt小梦文库

4. Talk about the pictures in the PPT and show their performances.2Qt小梦文库

5. Ask the students to sum up the useful sentences in the dialogue and introduce “Everyday English.”2Qt小梦文库

6. Finish act 4 and 5 in groups. Teacher checks the answers.2Qt小梦文库

Step 4: Pronunciation2Qt小梦文库

1. Explain that this activity focuses on some English phonemes which are difficult to pronounce for speakers of Chinese.2Qt小梦文库

2. Play the recording once without stopping.2Qt小梦文库

3. Play it again and ask the students to repeat.2Qt小梦文库

4. Practise the sounds in pairs, then finish the exercises on the PPT.2Qt小梦文库

Step 5: Speaking2Qt小梦文库

1. Talk about the pictures by asking and answer in paris like this:2Qt小梦文库

A: What’s his name?2Qt小梦文库

B: His name is….2Qt小梦文库

A: Where is he from?2Qt小梦文库

B: He's from….2Qt小梦文库

A: How old is he?2Qt小梦文库

B: He's ...years old.2Qt小梦文库

Step 6: Module task2Qt小梦文库

Task 1: Who has the most friends?2Qt小梦文库


Task 2: Introduce yourself by using today's useful sentences.2Qt小梦文库

Step 7: Language points2Qt小梦文库

1. I’m from Wuhan. 我来自武汉。(我是武汉人。)2Qt小梦文库

Be from 表示“来自哪里”、“从哪里来”或“是哪里人”。如:2Qt小梦文库

He’s from Beijing. 他来自北京。(他是北京人。)2Qt小梦文库

They’re from England. 他们来自英国。(他们是 英国人。)2Qt小梦文库


He’s a Beijinger. 他是北京人。2Qt小梦文库

They’re English. 他们是英国人。2Qt小梦文库

2. Where+is/are+主语+from?2Qt小梦文库

英语中,通常用特殊疑问句"Where + is / are + 主语+ from?"来询问某人"来自哪里","是哪里人",其答语通常用"主语+ am / is / are from + 地点"。如:2Qt小梦文库

—Where is Sam from?2Qt小梦文库


—He is from England.2Qt小梦文库


拓展:be from = come from,如:2Qt小梦文库

Where do you come from?2Qt小梦文库

Where does he come from?2Qt小梦文库

3. What’s your name?2Qt小梦文库

英语中,当想知道对方叫什么名字时,可用句型"What’s your name?"进行询问,其答语一般用"My name is + 姓名."。如:2Qt小梦文库

—What’s your name?2Qt小梦文库


—My name’s Gao Jing.2Qt小梦文库



What’s your name, please?2Qt小梦文库

May I have your name, please?2Qt小梦文库

4. I’m twelve years old. 我12岁。2Qt小梦文库

…years old,表示“……岁”。有时候years old 可以省略,只用数字来表达年龄即可。如:Her dog is three. 她的小狗3岁。2Qt小梦文库

拓展:对该句型提问可用:How old ...?它是英语中一个较重要的句型,主要用来询问某 人的年龄,其答语通常用"主语+ am / is / are + 年龄."。如:2Qt小梦文库

—How old are you? 你多大了?2Qt小梦文库

—I am thirteen (years old).我十三岁。2Qt小梦文库

5. Nice to meet you . 很高兴见到你!2Qt小梦文库


—Hello!I'm Xiao Hua.2Qt小梦文库

—Hello!I'm Xiao Li.2Qt小梦文库

—Nice to meet you, Xiao Li.2Qt小梦文库

—Nice to meet you, too, Xiao Hua.2Qt小梦文库

6. What about you? 你呢?2Qt小梦文库

英语中“What about...?”是一句常用的客套 话,它后面可接名词、代词或动名词(ing)形式,它的功能可不少呢!2Qt小梦文库


I'd like a cup of tea. What about you?2Qt小梦文库



What about playing football now?2Qt小梦文库



I'm a student from China. What about you?2Qt小梦文库


7. Welcome to Class 4, Grade 7. 欢迎来到七年级四班。2Qt小梦文库

welcome to ...欢迎来到...,这是一句欢迎用语,在英语中使用比较广泛,如:2Qt小梦文库

Welcome to Beijing! 欢迎来北京。2Qt小梦文库

Welcome, come in,please. 欢迎,欢迎,请进来。2Qt小梦文库

Step 8: Consolidation2Qt小梦文库

Do some exercises and check with the whole class.2Qt小梦文库

Step 9: Homework2Qt小梦文库

板书设计 Module 1 Unit 12Qt小梦文库

What’s your name? My name is…2Qt小梦文库

Where are you from? I’m from…2Qt小梦文库

Nice to meet you, … Nice to meet you, too.2Qt小梦文库

作业布置 1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2Qt小梦文库

2. Make your favourite "English name card".2Qt小梦文库

教学反思 The students can talk in English.2Qt小梦文库

Unit 2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.2Qt小梦文库

课 型 Reading and writing2Qt小梦文库

教 材2Qt小梦文库

分 析 This is the second lesson in this module. The reading material is information about Daming, Wang Hui and Lingling. It’s a good text to help the studetns improve their reading strategies, such as getting information from the reading material about personal information.2Qt小梦文库

知 识2Qt小梦文库

目 标 Key vocabulary: everyone, capital, but, very, big, city, small, first, last, all,2Qt小梦文库

first name, last name2Qt小梦文库

Key structures: His / Her name is ...2Qt小梦文库

He / She is from ...2Qt小梦文库

He / She is ... years old.2Qt小梦文库

He / She is in Class 1, Grade Seven.2Qt小梦文库

能 力2Qt小梦文库

目 标 To get information from the reading material about personal information.2Qt小梦文库

情 感2Qt小梦文库

态 度 Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2Qt小梦文库

Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.2Qt小梦文库

教学方法 Interactive approach2Qt小梦文库

教 具 Tape recorder, Multimedia2Qt小梦文库


Step 1: Warming up2Qt小梦文库

Say hello to the students and tell them we are going to play a game. You can say like this: I will divide you into 6 groups and each group will have a picture of a famous person. You work in groups and introduce the person. Let's see which team is the best. Are you clear? Ready?2Qt小梦文库

The teacher plays the PPT and shows the pictures to them.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2: Revision2Qt小梦文库

Show some exercises and ask the students to complete them. Then teach and explain the new words in the sentences.2Qt小梦文库

Step 3: Reading2Qt小梦文库

1. Do act 1 and check the answers. ( B D A E C )2Qt小梦文库

2. Ask the students to read the passage and check the true sentences in act 2.2Qt小梦文库

3. After reading, the students check the false sentences in act 2.2Qt小梦文库

4. The students read the passage again and underline the correct words in act 3.2Qt小梦文库

5. Finish act 4 and check the answers with the whole class.2Qt小梦文库

Step4: Language points2Qt小梦文库

The teacher shows today's useful sentences and explain them.2Qt小梦文库

1. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy.2Qt小梦文库


This is ...向别人介绍某人时说 "This is ..." 不用2Qt小梦文库

"That is ..."。 如:This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack.2Qt小梦文库


注意:this is 不能缩写,而 that is 可以缩写成that's。2Qt小梦文库

打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如:2Qt小梦文库

This is Lucy speaking.2Qt小梦文库

Is that Lucy speaking?2Qt小梦文库

2. Good to see you. 很高兴见到你!2Qt小梦文库


说:Nice to see you. / Glad to see you. /2Qt小梦文库

Pleased to see you.2Qt小梦文库

It's nice to see you all.2Qt小梦文库




All the students are here today.2Qt小梦文库


3. I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.2Qt小梦文库


介绍自己名字的时候可以用“I'm”、“I am”2Qt小梦文库

或“My name is ...”,此句还可以说:2Qt小梦文库

My name is Wang Lingling.2Qt小梦文库

另外,这里的“...years old”,表示.......几岁,这里的2Qt小梦文库

数字可以省略,直接说成:I am thirteen.2Qt小梦文库

对它提问用:How old...? 如:2Qt小梦文库

How old is Lingling?2Qt小梦文库

She is thirteen years old.2Qt小梦文库

4. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last2Qt小梦文库

name. 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。2Qt小梦文库

family name 姓 = last name 教名2Qt小梦文库

与中国习惯不同,大多数英语姓名有三个名字:教名,中间名和姓。他们的姓放在最后。(中间名一般很少用)如果你要称呼别人为……先生,夫人,小姐时,只能在family name也就是last name前加上Mr, Mrs, Miss,如上面的这个名字,你只能称他为Mr. Green,而不能称他为Mr. James。2Qt小梦文库

Step 5: Writing2Qt小梦文库

1. The students look at the pictures and write sentences.2Qt小梦文库

Finally, ask three or four students to show their answers.2Qt小梦文库

2. The teacher makes a model for the students and ask the students to write sentences for themselves with and.2Qt小梦文库

Model: My name is Li Ping and I'm from China. I'm Chinese and I'm fifteen years old. I'm in Class One, Grade Seven.2Qt小梦文库

Step 6: Module task2Qt小梦文库

Let the students to ask their partners about personal information and make cards for them. The more, the better.2Qt小梦文库

Name: __________2Qt小梦文库

Age: __________2Qt小梦文库

School: __________2Qt小梦文库

Date of birth: ___________2Qt小梦文库

Birth place: __________2Qt小梦文库

Telephone number: ___________2Qt小梦文库


Favorite color:____________2Qt小梦文库

Ask several students to show their performances and praise the better ones.2Qt小梦文库

Step 7: Consolidation2Qt小梦文库

Show the students some exercises and ask them to finish in class, then check the answers with the whole students.2Qt小梦文库

Step 8: Homework2Qt小梦文库


What's your name?2Qt小梦文库

Where are you from?2Qt小梦文库

How old are you?2Qt小梦文库

What's your favourite subject?2Qt小梦文库

将你的采访记录整理成一篇为My new classmates的短文。(可适当增加采访问题,全文不少于50单词。)2Qt小梦文库

板书设计 Module 1 Unit 22Qt小梦文库

What’s your name? My name is…2Qt小梦文库

Where are you from? I’m from…2Qt小梦文库

Nice to meet you, … Nice to meet you, too.2Qt小梦文库

作业布置 1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2Qt小梦文库

2. Interview two of your classmates and write a short passage.2Qt小梦文库

教学反思 The students can get information from the reading material about personal information.2Qt小梦文库

Unit 3 Language in use2Qt小梦文库

课 型 Revision and application2Qt小梦文库

教材分析 Unit 3 对“自我介绍和获取信息”的功能句式进行综合训练:谈论自己或朋友的情况(活动1);根据提示完成介绍图片中人物情况的句子;填表、匹配复习表示国家、民族及人物活动的词汇。Around the world了解中西人名的不同;Module task要求通过问答形式介绍自己和他人。2Qt小梦文库

知识目标 Key structures:2Qt小梦文库

1) What’s his/her name?2Qt小梦文库

2) Where is he/she from?2Qt小梦文库

3) What's his/her English name?2Qt小梦文库

4) How old is he / she?2Qt小梦文库

5) What class is he / she in?2Qt小梦文库

能力目标 Enable students to talk about themselves and their friends.2Qt小梦文库

情感态度 Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2Qt小梦文库

Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.2Qt小梦文库

教学方法 Formal and interactive practice2Qt小梦文库

教 具 Tape recorder, PPT, handout2Qt小梦文库

教学过程 Step 1: Revision2Qt小梦文库

1. Ask some students to introduce themselves to the other students.2Qt小梦文库

2. Ask them to talk about the pictures in the PPT.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2: Teaching grammar2Qt小梦文库


1. 肯定句:主语+ be(am,is,are) +其它。2Qt小梦文库

2. 否定句:主语+be+not+其它。2Qt小梦文库

3. 一般疑问句:Be+主语+其它?2Qt小梦文库

4. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?2Qt小梦文库


1. be + 形容词2Qt小梦文库

I am very happy. 我很幸福。2Qt小梦文库

He is very kind. 他人非常好。2Qt小梦文库

2. be + 名词2Qt小梦文库

Mr Wang is our English teacher.2Qt小梦文库


They are our good friends.2Qt小梦文库


3. be + 介词短语2Qt小梦文库

She is at home. 我在家里。2Qt小梦文库

Are you from America? 你来自美国吗?2Qt小梦文库

The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上。2Qt小梦文库

4. be + 副词 Class is over. 下课了。2Qt小梦文库

Step 3: Speaking2Qt小梦文库

Ask the students to introduce the three people in act 1.2Qt小梦文库

You can do it like this:2Qt小梦文库

This is Sam.2Qt小梦文库

He is twelve.2Qt小梦文库

He's from England.2Qt小梦文库

He's in Class 1.2Qt小梦文库

Step 4: Practise2Qt小梦文库

Do act 2-4 by themselves and check the answers in groups.2Qt小梦文库

Ask one group the report their answers.2Qt小梦文库

Step 5: Around the word2Qt小梦文库

1. Tell students the difference between Chinese names and English names.2Qt小梦文库

T: Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. The first name and the middle name are given names. Their family name comes last. For example, Jim Allan Green. Green is family name. Chinese names are different. Now read and find the difference in Around the world.2Qt小梦文库

Step 5: Module task2Qt小梦文库

Look at the screen. Introduce yourself. Ask and answer with a partner. Then report their result in front of the whole class.2Qt小梦文库

Step 6: Do exercises2Qt小梦文库

Do the exercises in the PPT. The teacher checks the answers.2Qt小梦文库

Step 7: Sum up2Qt小梦文库

Ask the students to talk about “What have you learned in this lesson?”.2Qt小梦文库

Sum up the different ways of “Be” and report it.2Qt小梦文库

Step 8: Homework2Qt小梦文库

板书设计 Module 1 Unit 32Qt小梦文库

What’s your name? My name is…2Qt小梦文库

Where are you from? I’m from…2Qt小梦文库

How old are you? I’m ….years old2Qt小梦文库

作业布置 查找资料名人资料,向全班同学介绍你心目中最喜爱的英明星或最2Qt小梦文库


教学反思 Speaking more is necessary for the students.2Qt小梦文库
















































































































I’d like some noodles.2Qt小梦文库

I. Analysis of the Teaching Material2Qt小梦文库

1. Status and function2Qt小梦文库

The topic of this unit is about food. The students will learn how to order food or2Qt小梦文库

take-away. In this unit, the students will be able to use “would like” to express their need2Qt小梦文库

for food and learn how to ask others‟ information and provide their personal information2Qt小梦文库

during the process.2Qt小梦文库

2. Teaching aims and demands2Qt小梦文库

1). Knowledge objects2Qt小梦文库

a. To master how to order food or take-away;2Qt小梦文库

b. To master the modal verb “would” and “what” questions.2Qt小梦文库

c. To master the usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2Qt小梦文库

2). Ability objects2Qt小梦文库

d. To use “would like” to talk about the need for food.2Qt小梦文库

e. To improve students‟ ability of communication and social practice.2Qt小梦文库

3). Sensibility objects:2Qt小梦文库

Let the students experience the happiness of learning English, cultivate their ability2Qt小梦文库

to do things and foster the spirit of cooperation in group activities.2Qt小梦文库

3. Teaching difficult points and focus:2Qt小梦文库

1)To learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.2Qt小梦文库

2)To learn how to order food.2Qt小梦文库

3)To use “would like” to express their need for food and learn how to order food.2Qt小梦文库

II. Target Language2Qt小梦文库

1) what would you/he/they like to eat?2Qt小梦文库

I‟d /He‟d /They‟d like some...2Qt小梦文库

2) What kind of noodles would you/he/they like?2Qt小梦文库

I‟d/He‟d /They‟d like beef and tomato noodles2Qt小梦文库

IV. Vocabulary2Qt小梦文库

noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, tomato, cabbage,carrot, dumplings, porridge, soup, green tea, orange juice, would like…2Qt小梦文库

V. Teaching Time2Qt小梦文库

45 minutes2Qt小梦文库

VI. Teaching Procedures2Qt小梦文库

Step 1. Warm up.2Qt小梦文库

1) Show some pictures about sports and let the students answer the questions below:2Qt小梦文库

After doing these sports, what‟s your feeling?2Qt小梦文库

Are you tired ?2Qt小梦文库

Are you hungry?2Qt小梦文库

2) Let the students thinking the question: If you are hungry, what would you like to eat?2Qt小梦文库

3) Show some pictures of food that they have learned.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2. Lead into.2Qt小梦文库

1)T: “No food left! But don‟t worry, let‟s go to the restaurant to have a big meal.2Qt小梦文库

Look! What can you see in the restaurant?2Qt小梦文库

Yes, There are many kinds of food there. You can choose whatever you like”.2Qt小梦文库

2)Show the new words.2Qt小梦文库


A: What kind of vegetables/meat/food/drink would you like?2Qt小梦文库

B: I‟d like some…2Qt小梦文库

Let the students to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns. Let the students make some dialogue.2Qt小梦文库

Step 3. Let’s chant.2Qt小梦文库

Step 4. Noodle House.2Qt小梦文库

1) Show some pictures about noodle specials.2Qt小梦文库

meat+vegetables → special1/special2….2Qt小梦文库

(let the students to guess the meaning of the word „special‟)2Qt小梦文库

2) Make dialogue2Qt小梦文库

A: What kind of noodles would you like?2Qt小梦文库

B: I‟d like…and…noodles.2Qt小梦文库

Step 5. Pairwork and guessing game2Qt小梦文库

1) Pairwork . (Make dialogues.)2Qt小梦文库

2) Game: Who is the winner?2Qt小梦文库

Ask a boy and a girl come before the blackboard, and then ask two students to make a2Qt小梦文库

dialogues. The boy or the girl who find the right special will win one score….after2Qt小梦文库

some pairwork, see who is the winner? The boy or the girl.2Qt小梦文库

3) Guessing game.2Qt小梦文库

Step 6. Role Play (In the Nodle House)2Qt小梦文库

A customer and a waiter. (Make a dialogue)2Qt小梦文库

Let the students express their need for food and learn how to order food.2Qt小梦文库

Step 7. Summary2Qt小梦文库

Step 8. Apothegm2Qt小梦文库

Step 9 A Flash → “I’m hungry”2Qt小梦文库

Learn the song.2Qt小梦文库

Step 10. Homework2Qt小梦文库


Teaching Plan2Qt小梦文库

Background information(背景知识):2Qt小梦文库

Students: 52 Middle School students2Qt小梦文库

Lesson duration: 45mins2Qt小梦文库

Teaching contents(教学内容): Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose. Section A2Qt小梦文库

Teaching aims(教学目标):2Qt小梦文库

1. Learn some new words:2Qt小梦文库

(1)Learn words about parts of the head:2Qt小梦文库

nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck2Qt小梦文库

(2)Learn some other new words:2Qt小梦文库

guess, know, wide, right, girl, boy, have, has, small, big, round, short, long,2Qt小梦文库

2. Learn some useful sentences:2Qt小梦文库

(1) I/You/We/They have…2Qt小梦文库

(2) She/He/It has…2Qt小梦文库

(3)---Do you have…?2Qt小梦文库

---Yes, I/We do. No, I/We don’t.2Qt小梦文库

(4)--- I know.2Qt小梦文库

--- You’re right.2Qt小梦文库

3. Learn how to describe people’s appearances.2Qt小梦文库

Teaching focus(重点):words about parts of the head and adjectives of description2Qt小梦文库

Teaching difficulties(难点):The usages of have and has2Qt小梦文库

Teaching procedures:(教学步骤)2Qt小梦文库

Step1 Warm-up 第一步 热身2Qt小梦文库


sing a song : Head and shoulders.2Qt小梦文库

Step2 Review 第二步 复习2Qt小梦文库

(1) 通过复习,培养学生根据卡片信息进行简单交流的能力。2Qt小梦文库


Name: Jane2Qt小梦文库

Age: 112Qt小梦文库

From: Canada2Qt小梦文库

School: Beijing International School2Qt小梦文库

Class: Nine2Qt小梦文库

Grade: Seven2Qt小梦文库

Phone number: (010)9267-69292Qt小梦文库

(1)T: What’s her name? S1: Her name is Jane.2Qt小梦文库

T: How old is she?S2: She is eleven.2Qt小梦文库

T: Where is she from?S3: She is from Canada.2Qt小梦文库


Step 3 Presentation 第三步 呈现2Qt小梦文库



T: Let’s look at this picture. What’s this? S1, please.S1:Eyes.2Qt小梦文库

T:How do you spell it, please?S1:E-Y-E-S,eyes.2Qt小梦文库


T: Nice work, boys and girls. (教学boy and girl)2Qt小梦文库

(3) 通过对比图片学习描写人体头部的形容词(long hair, big eyes, small eyes, a round face…)2Qt小梦文库

(4) (出示2a的教学挂图,让学生观察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。)2Qt小梦文库

T: OK, now look at these pictures. Let’s talk about their different looks. Is this a big nose?2Qt小梦文库

Ss:Yes. It’s big.2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?Ss:No. T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes.2Qt小梦文库


(5) (在熟练掌握人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合2a的教学图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。)2Qt小梦文库

① have: S(I/We/You/They) +have …2Qt小梦文库

② has: S(He/ She/ It)+has …2Qt小梦文库

Step 4 Consolidation 第四步 巩固2Qt小梦文库

1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成2b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最后让学生齐读这七个句子。)2Qt小梦文库

2. (接龙游戏。教师根据自己的实际情况以第一人称说一个句子,学生模仿练习。)2Qt小梦文库

S1:I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

S2: I have a long face.2Qt小梦文库

S3: I have a big head.2Qt小梦文库

S4: …2Qt小梦文库


Step 5 Practice 第五步 练习2Qt小梦文库


Sing a song2Qt小梦文库

Step 6 Summary 第六步 总结2Qt小梦文库

Summarize the new words.2Qt小梦文库

Summarize the grammar.2Qt小梦文库

Summarize the useful expression2Qt小梦文库

Step 7 Homework 第七步 作业2Qt小梦文库

(1) 预习Section B 的生词2Qt小梦文库

(2) 描述一位朋友的外貌。2Qt小梦文库


Looking Different2Qt小梦文库

Topic 1 I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

Section A2Qt小梦文库

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。2Qt小梦文库

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标2Qt小梦文库

1.Learn some new words:2Qt小梦文库

(1)Learn words about parts of the body:2Qt小梦文库

nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck2Qt小梦文库

(2)Learn some other new words:2Qt小梦文库

guess, have, small, has, big, know, right, round, long, wide, girl, boy, short2Qt小梦文库

2. Learn some useful sentences:2Qt小梦文库

(1)Oh, I know.2Qt小梦文库

(2)Yes, you’re right.2Qt小梦文库

3. Learn the simple present tense with“have/has”and adjectives of description:2Qt小梦文库

(1)I have a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

(2)They have round faces.2Qt小梦文库

(3)She has long hair.2Qt小梦文库

(4)It has big ears.2Qt小梦文库

4. Learn how to describe people’s appearances.2Qt小梦文库

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具2Qt小梦文库


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案2Qt小梦文库

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)2Qt小梦文库



Name: Jane2Qt小梦文库

Age: 122Qt小梦文库

From: Canada2Qt小梦文库

School: Beijing Ren’ai International School2Qt小梦文库

Class: Four2Qt小梦文库

Grade: Seven2Qt小梦文库

Phone number: (010)9267-69292Qt小梦文库

(1)T: What’s her name?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Her name is Jane.2Qt小梦文库

T: How old is she?2Qt小梦文库

S2: She is twelve.2Qt小梦文库

T: Where is she from?2Qt小梦文库

S3: She is from Canada.2Qt小梦文库

T: What class is she in?2Qt小梦文库

S4: She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.2Qt小梦文库

T: What’s her telephone number?2Qt小梦文库

S5: It’s (010)9267-6929.2Qt小梦文库



T: Well done! Now we have learned something about Jane. Do you like her? Is she beautiful? Then how to describe her appearance? First, let’s learn some new words about parts of the body. Now let’s look at the picture.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (教师利用Jane的图片教授2a中人体部位的名称,并在图片的相应位置板书单词,然后领学生拼读。注:教师应按照从上到下、从局部到整体的顺序讲授人体部位,以便帮助学生记忆。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Please listen and follow me, then touch the parts of your body when you say them. Please go!2Qt小梦文库


head face hair eye ear nose mouth neck2Qt小梦文库

2. (利用2a的教学挂图,操练表示人体部位的名词。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s look at this picture. What’s this?(手指画着头部的图片。) S1, please.2Qt小梦文库


T: How do you spell it, please?2Qt小梦文库

S1:H-E-A-D, head.2Qt小梦文库


3. (以做游戏的方式呈现新单词和短语,使学生易于理解和接受。具体方法如下:把全班学生分成四组,每组轮流选出一名学生在黑板上画人物头像。每个学生画一个身体部位。例如,第一个学生画的是一张圆脸,教师就帮助学生说a round face。板书并解释。其他身体部位以同样方式呈现。直到把所有本节课所涉及的描述性形容词都呈现出来为止。可以多画几幅图,完成后,每组学生轮流用短语描述人物外貌特征,说得准确流利者为胜。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Nice work, boys and girls. Now let’s play a game. I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group chooses a student to draw a part of the body. And you should describe it with a phrase. OK. Let’s begin!2Qt小梦文库


boy, girl2Qt小梦文库

S2: (画一个圆脸) A round face. (教师帮助学生说。)2Qt小梦文库



S3: (画一双小眼睛) Small eyes.(教师帮助学生说。)2Qt小梦文库



S4: (画一个大鼻子) A big nose.(教师帮助学生说。)2Qt小梦文库




(以同样方式呈现a wide mouth, big ears, long hair,要求学生掌握。)2Qt小梦文库

4. (出示3a的教学挂图,让学生观察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。)2Qt小梦文库

T: OK, now look at these pictures. Let’s talk about their different looks. Is this nose big?(教师指着图片1的鼻子,并借助手势问。)2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes. It’s big.(引导学生说。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?(教师指着图片②问。)2Qt小梦文库

Ss: No.2Qt小梦文库

T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes.(教师指着图片2的鼻子和眼睛说。)2Qt小梦文库


5. (在熟练掌握人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合3a的教学图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。)2Qt小梦文库


T: Next, please practice the sentence patterns. I say personal pronouns, you complete the sentences.2Qt小梦文库

T: Look at Picture 1. “I …”2Qt小梦文库

Ss: I have.2Qt小梦文库

T: The whole sentence.(“完整的句子”)2Qt小梦文库

Ss: I have a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

T: Picture 2. “We …”2Qt小梦文库

Ss: We have ...2Qt小梦文库


Ss: We have small eyes.2Qt小梦文库

T: Picture 3.“They …”2Qt小梦文库

Ss: They have …(教师帮助说)2Qt小梦文库


Ss: They have round faces.2Qt小梦文库


6. (播放3a录音,让学生跟读并注意语音语调。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to 3a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2Qt小梦文库

7. (1) (总结have/has的用法并板书。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s sum up the usages of“have”and“has”.2Qt小梦文库

① have: S(I/We/You/They) +have …2Qt小梦文库

② has: S(He/ She/ It)+has …2Qt小梦文库

(2) (教师带领学生运用身边的实物,练习用have/has造句。)2Qt小梦文库

T: I have a book.2Qt小梦文库

She has a big pencil-box.2Qt小梦文库

He has a beautiful bag.2Qt小梦文库


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成3b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最后让学生齐读这七个句子。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Now, let’s P.K. Can you complete the sentences in 3b on Page 26 as quickly as you can? Then I’ll divide you into two teams. Boys must choose the sentences which they use “have”. Girls must choose the sentences which they use “has”. Please go.2Qt小梦文库

2. (接龙游戏。教师根据自己的实际情况以第一人称说一个句子,学生模仿练习。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Well done. Now let’s play a game in chains. You can say a sentence to describe yourself. Please use “I have” to make sentences, for example, I have a big nose. Begin!2Qt小梦文库

S1: I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

S2: I have a long face.2Qt小梦文库

S3: I have a big head.2Qt小梦文库

S4: …2Qt小梦文库


3. (根据学生的描述,有意识板书一些句型,运用肢体语言,引导学生进行替换练习。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Nice work. Huang Lin and Huang Hao, please.2Qt小梦文库

Huang Lin: I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

Huang Hao: I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

T: You can say together like this: We have …2Qt小梦文库

Huang Lin and Huang Hao: We have small noses.2Qt小梦文库

T: And the whole class can say like this: They have …2Qt小梦文库

Ss: They have small noses.2Qt小梦文库

Huang Lin: I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

Huang Hao: I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库


Huang Lin and Huang Hao: We have small noses.2Qt小梦文库

Ss: They have small noses.2Qt小梦文库


Lin Ying(女): I have long hair.2Qt小梦文库

Ss: She has long hair.2Qt小梦文库

Chen Bin(男): I have big ears.2Qt小梦文库

Ss: He has big ears.2Qt小梦文库

4. (请学生根据描述,完成4。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Read the passages and draw pictures.2Qt小梦文库

5. (两人一组,一位描述,另一位画,画完后同桌交流。评选出优胜小组并将其画贴在墙上,以资鼓励。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s draw a picture in pairs. One reads, the other draws. Are you ready?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes.2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s begin.2Qt小梦文库

S5: This girl has a round face, big eyes …2Qt小梦文库

S6: (根据S5的描述,画女孩的面部特征。)2Qt小梦文库


Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (用学生画得较好的图片进行问答,问答过程中教师板书新内容,并进行简单解释。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Nice work. Do you know the boy? He has a round face, big eyes, a small nose, a wide mouth and small ears. His hair is short. He is a boy in Group Three. Can you guess?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Cheng Long.2Qt小梦文库

T: Yes, you’re right.2Qt小梦文库




I know.2Qt小梦文库


You’re right.2Qt小梦文库

2. (播放1a录音,请学生跟读并注意语音语调,然后判断下列问题的正(T)误(F)。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then mark the following sentences True (T) or False (F).2Qt小梦文库

(1)Michael has a big nose. ( )2Qt小梦文库

(2)Kangkang has a small nose. ( )2Qt小梦文库

3. (让学生戴上面具两人一组表演,完成1b。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Now practice the dialog and then I’ll ask two students to act it out.2Qt小梦文库

4. (看2a部分,用适当的形容词描述人体部位的特征。)2Qt小梦文库

5. (学生两人一组进行表演,完成2b。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to your partner and touch the parts of your body he/she says.2Qt小梦文库

S1: Touch your nose.2Qt小梦文库

S2: (按S1指令做出相应动作。)2Qt小梦文库


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (教师分别请一男生、一女生到黑板前,请下面的学生描述他们的外貌,教师先示范,然后以滚雪球的方式继续活动。)2Qt小梦文库

(1) T: This boy has a round face.2Qt小梦文库

S1: He has a round face and small eyes.2Qt小梦文库

S2: He has a round face, small eyes and a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

S3: …2Qt小梦文库

(2) T: This girl has long hair.2Qt小梦文库

S4: She has long hair and a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

S5: She has long hair, a big nose and a small mouth.2Qt小梦文库

S6: …2Qt小梦文库

2. (听音辨人。从所听语段中获取相关信息,并作出判断。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Listen carefully. He is a boy in Group Five. He has big eyes and big ears. He has a wide mouth and a big head. He has a small nose and long hair. Who is he?2Qt小梦文库

S7: Lin Wen.2Qt小梦文库

T: No.2Qt小梦文库

S8: Lin Fen.2Qt小梦文库

T: Yes, you’re right.2Qt小梦文库



T: Now I’ll divide our class into four groups. Do as I do, please.2Qt小梦文库


3. Homework:2Qt小梦文库

(1)复习Section A。2Qt小梦文库

(2)预习Section B生词。2Qt小梦文库



I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

Section A2Qt小梦文库

1. I know.2Qt小梦文库

2. You’re right.2Qt小梦文库

3. (1)I have a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

(2)We have small eyes.2Qt小梦文库

(3)They have round faces. I/We/You/They + have …2Qt小梦文库

(4)She has long hair. He/She/It + has …2Qt小梦文库

(5)He has a wide mouth.2Qt小梦文库

(6)It has big ears.2Qt小梦文库

Section B2Qt小梦文库

The main activities are 1a, 3 and 4. 本课重点活动是1a、3和4。2Qt小梦文库

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标2Qt小梦文库

1. Learn some new words:2Qt小梦文库

favorite, movie, star, Chinese, again, look, arm, hand, leg, foot2Qt小梦文库

2. Learn some useful sentences:2Qt小梦文库

(1)—Who is your favorite movie star?2Qt小梦文库

—It’s Bruce Lee.2Qt小梦文库

(2)Guess again.2Qt小梦文库

3. Continue to learn the description of people’s appearances:2Qt小梦文库

(1)Her eyes are small.2Qt小梦文库

(2)She has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

4. Continue to learn the simple present tense with have/has:2Qt小梦文库

(1)—Does he have long hair?2Qt小梦文库

—No, he doesn’t.2Qt小梦文库

(2)—Does he have a wide mouth?2Qt小梦文库

—Yes, he does.2Qt小梦文库

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具2Qt小梦文库


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案2Qt小梦文库

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:9分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (检查上节课布置的课外作业。教师把学生分成十二个小组,让学生在小组内描述他的一个朋友,然后请两个学生向全班同学描述。教师要及时给予表扬。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Hello, boys and girls. From last period, we learnt how to describe someone’s appearance. Now I’ll divide our class into twelve groups. Then you talk about your friend’s looks in groups. You can begin like this: I have a friend. He is a boy. He has … And then I will choose two of you to report it in the front.2Qt小梦文库

2. (教师出示28页5a的教学挂图,请八名学生依次到黑板前,按教师指令,触摸玩具的身体部位,并要求学生在黑板上写出相对应的单词。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Very good! Next, look at the doll. I’ll ask eight students to come to the blackboard one by one. Please touch and write down the names of the parts of the body on the blackboard. Do you understand?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes.2Qt小梦文库

T: Touch her hair.2Qt小梦文库

Touch her face.2Qt小梦文库


(复习学过的身体部位的名词后,教师指着图片教授并板书新单词arm, hand, leg, foot, 同时强调foot的复数形式是feet。在学生会读并理解词义后,教师继续发出指令,让所有学生做相应的动作。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Great! Let’s go on learning other parts of the body. When I read, please touch the parts of your body. Please go!2Qt小梦文库

T: Touch your arm.2Qt小梦文库

Touch your hand.2Qt小梦文库

Touch your leg.2Qt小梦文库

Touch your foot.2Qt小梦文库


arm, hand, leg, foot, feet2Qt小梦文库

3. (教师利用5a的教学挂图继续问答,导入本课新句型。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Look at the doll. Does she have long hair? (教师引导学生回答。)2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes, she does.2Qt小梦文库

T: Does she have small eyes? (教师引导学生回答。)2Qt小梦文库

Ss: No, she doesn’t.2Qt小梦文库


does Does she have …2Qt小梦文库

Yes, she does.2Qt小梦文库

doesn’t No, she doesn’t.2Qt小梦文库


T: Well, now practice the drills above one by one. One asks, the other answers. Please go!2Qt小梦文库

S1: Does she have big ears?2Qt小梦文库

S2: No, she doesn’t.2Qt小梦文库

S3: Does she have a small mouth?2Qt小梦文库

S4: Yes, she does.2Qt小梦文库


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)2Qt小梦文库

通过1a对话,使学生初步掌握动词have/has的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,并学习新句型Who’s your favorite …?。2Qt小梦文库

1. (教师在黑板上画一颗星星。)2Qt小梦文库

T: This is a star.2Qt小梦文库



(继续板书movie star。)2Qt小梦文库

movie star2Qt小梦文库

T: 《赤壁》is a nice movie.《功夫熊猫》is a movie, too. Can you guess what’s the meaning of“movie”?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: 电影。2Qt小梦文库

T: Nice work. What’s the meaning of “movie star”?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: 电影明星。2Qt小梦文库

T: Good! Who is your favorite movie star?2Qt小梦文库




2. (出示1a教学挂图。)2Qt小梦文库

T: You all have your own favorite movie stars. Who is Michael’s? Do you want to know about him? (指着图片。)2Qt小梦文库

T: This is Michael’s favorite movie star. Can you guess who he is? S1, please.2Qt小梦文库

S1: Li Lianjie.2Qt小梦文库

T: No. Li Lianjie is my favorite movie star. Guess again. S2, please.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Bruce Lee.2Qt小梦文库

T: No. He is from China. He is Chinese and has a big nose. OK. Now listen to 1a and guess again. Who’s Michael’s favorite movie star?2Qt小梦文库


Chinese, again2Qt小梦文库

3. (学生听录音猜测图片上的人物,教师鼓励他们谈论自己最喜爱的电影明星,可让同桌两人一组进行操练。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Who’s he? S3, please.2Qt小梦文库

S3: He’s Cheng Long.2Qt小梦文库

T: Yes. You’re right. Now practice the dialog in pairs like this:2Qt小梦文库

S4: Who is your favorite movie star?2Qt小梦文库

S5: My favorite movie star is Li Lianjie./It’s Li Lianjie. He is tall and strong …2Qt小梦文库


4. (再播放1a录音,请学生跟读并注意语音语调。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.2Qt小梦文库

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (让学生完成1b,巩固1a。)2Qt小梦文库

T: OK, just now, you talked about your favorite movie star. Can you talk something about your favorite teacher with your partner? You can use the sentences: “Who is your favorite teacher?” “Guess, he’s …” “Does he have …?” “No. Guess again.”2Qt小梦文库

2. (教师拿出准备好的学生照片说:“假定这位学生是你的朋友,请根据1a,表演对话。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Suppose this is your good friend, Lin Wen. Make a similar conversation according to 1a, and act it out.2Qt小梦文库

S1: I have a good friend in my class. Guess who is my favorite friend?2Qt小梦文库

S2: Is your friend a girl?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, she is. She has a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does she have long hair?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, she does.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does she have small eyes?2Qt小梦文库

S1: No, she doesn’t. Her eyes are big.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Is she Lin Wen?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, you are right.2Qt小梦文库

3. (看2部分,听录音填数字,要求学生使用has句型进行核对。做得好的给予掌声鼓励。完成2。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Nice work. Now let’s look at the kids with masks on Page 27. They’re Maria, Michael, Wang Junfeng, Kangkang, Linda and Jane. Can you guess what they look like? Next, please listen to 2 and match the following phrases with the right numbers. Then describe the kids with the sentence patterns: Maria has a small mouth. She has a small mouth.(核对答案时教师可以有意识地用be动词来重复学生的答案,并板书。)2Qt小梦文库

T: OK. Let’s check your answers one by one. S3, please.2Qt小梦文库

S3: Kangkang has a big head. He has a big head.2Qt小梦文库

T: Yes. That’s right. His head is big. S4, please.2Qt小梦文库

S4: Jane has a small face. She has a small face.2Qt小梦文库

T: Right. Her face is small. S5, please.2Qt小梦文库

S5: Wang Junfeng has small eyes. He has small eyes.2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. His eyes are small. S6, please.2Qt小梦文库

S6: Linda has long hair. She has long hair.2Qt小梦文库

T: Very good. Her hair is long.2Qt小梦文库


He has big eyes.→His eyes are big.2Qt小梦文库

She has long hair.→Her hair is long.2Qt小梦文库

T: Well. What about Kangkang? S7, please.2Qt小梦文库

S7: Kangkang has a big nose. He has a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

T: Is that right?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes. His nose is big.2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. Now let’s practice the drills with your partner.2Qt小梦文库



I have a round face.→My face is round.2Qt小梦文库

4. (教师利用简笔画或图片帮助学生完成3。教师可向学生说明描述人的外貌有多种方式并要求学生掌握。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Look at me. My face is round./I have a round face. Now look at the picture in 3 on Page 28 and rewrite the sentences using have or has. Then make more sentences. Finish 3.2Qt小梦文库

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (听4录音,教师要求学生学会判断和标注升降调。完成4。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to 4 and learn how to judge and mark the intonation.2Qt小梦文库

A: Who’s that girl?2Qt小梦文库

B: She’s my friend, Mary.2Qt小梦文库

A: Look, she has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

B: That’s right.2Qt小梦文库



2. (听1a,标出升降调。练习语音语调。然后核对答案。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to 1a and mark the intonation.2Qt小梦文库

3. (完成5b,巩固5a。教师说明游戏规则:当听到Bobby says时才能做动作。把学生分成四大组,先小组操练后每组选出一名代表上讲台,由教师发出指令,四名学生做动作,做错的淘汰,选出最终获胜者,教师给予奖励。)2Qt小梦文库

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (做猜谜游戏。)2Qt小梦文库


T: OK. Let’s begin.2Qt小梦文库

S1: I have a good friend in our class. He is a boy. Guess! Who?2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does he have a big head?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, he does.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does he have small eyes?2Qt小梦文库

S1: No, he doesn’t.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does he have a round face?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, he does.2Qt小梦文库

S2: He is Lin Jing.2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, you’re right. Great!2Qt小梦文库


2. (以My favorite teacher/classmate/friend/…为题,要求学生试用3中的不同句式描述人物的外貌特征。)2Qt小梦文库

3. Homework:2Qt小梦文库


(2)复习Section A和Section B的单词。2Qt小梦文库

(3)预习Section C单词。2Qt小梦文库



I have a small nose.2Qt小梦文库

Section B2Qt小梦文库

1.—Does he have long hair? 2. Who is your favorite movie star?2Qt小梦文库

—No, he doesn’t. It’s Bruce Lee.2Qt小梦文库

—Does he have a wide mouth? Guess again.2Qt小梦文库

—Yes, he does. 3.①Her hair is long. = She has long hair.2Qt小梦文库

②His eyes are big. = He has big eyes.2Qt小梦文库

Section C2Qt小梦文库

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。2Qt小梦文库

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标2Qt小梦文库

1. Learn some new words and phrases:2Qt小梦文库

come, come from, student, sister, different, knife, don’t=do not2Qt小梦文库

2. Continue to learn the simple present tense with“have/has”:2Qt小梦文库

(1)Do you have a knife?2Qt小梦文库

Yes, I do.2Qt小梦文库

(2)Do they have long legs?2Qt小梦文库

No, they don’t. They have short legs.2Qt小梦文库

(3)Does he have a ruler?2Qt小梦文库

Yes, he does.2Qt小梦文库

3.(1)Talk about the introduction and review the description of people’s appearances:2Qt小梦文库

①I come from England.2Qt小梦文库

②I’m a student.2Qt小梦文库

③I have a sister.2Qt小梦文库

④She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.2Qt小梦文库

(2)Talk about the similarity and differences:2Qt小梦文库

We are in the same school, but in different grades.2Qt小梦文库

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具2Qt小梦文库


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案2Qt小梦文库

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1.(教师出示一块小黑板,同时叫学生拿出预先准备好的纸和笔,先看示范,然后在纸上作图:head, hair, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, legs, arms, feet。注:可以画出不同的姿势,学生边画边用英语说出所画部位,教师巡视并督促学生大声说出单词,然后在全班范围内对所画的图进行介绍,如big eyes, a small nose, a wide mouth等。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Let’s draw a picture of the people. Take out your paper and pens, and follow me. Begin! Head.2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Head.(让学生边画边说。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Hair.2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Hair.2Qt小梦文库


2. (1)(教师让两个学生以“Who is your favorite friend in your class?”为话题,根据Section B中的1a编对话并表演。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Make a conversation to talk about“Who is your favorite friend in your class?”. Please go.2Qt小梦文库

S1: Oh, I have a good friend in our class.2Qt小梦文库

S2: A boy?2Qt小梦文库

S1: No. She is a girl. She has a big nose.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does she have long hair?2Qt小梦文库

S1: No, she doesn’t. She has short hair.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Does she have small eyes?2Qt小梦文库

S1: No, she doesn’t. Her eyes are big.2Qt小梦文库

S2: Is she Hu Xue?2Qt小梦文库

S1: Yes, you’re right.2Qt小梦文库


T: Come to the front, please, Hu Xue.2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: OK!2Qt小梦文库

T: Can you introduce yourself including your appearances?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: OK! My name is Hu Xue. I’m a girl. I’m thirteen years old. I’m from China. I have a big nose and big eyes. My hair is short.2Qt小梦文库

T: Great. Are you a Chinese teacher?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: No. I’m not a teacher, but I’m a …2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. You’re not a teacher. You’re a student. Do you have a big nose?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: Yes, I do.(教师帮助学生回答“I do”)2Qt小梦文库

T: Do you have small eyes?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: No, I don’t.(教师帮助学生回答don’t,并说明don’t=do not。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Do you have a sister?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: Yes, I do.2Qt小梦文库

T: Are you in the same school?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: No, we’re not in the same school.2Qt小梦文库

T: Good. You can also say “we’re in different schools”. Do you come from China?2Qt小梦文库

Hu Xue: Yes, I do.2Qt小梦文库

T: Thank you. Go back to your seat and sit down.2Qt小梦文库


student (teacher) Do you have …?2Qt小梦文库

sister (brother) Yes, I do.2Qt小梦文库

different (same) Do you have small eyes?2Qt小梦文库

come from=be from No, I don’t.2Qt小梦文库

do/don’t(=do not)2Qt小梦文库

3. (教师通过介绍,导入1a,并设置听力任务。)2Qt小梦文库

T: I know a boy. He has a sister. Do you want to know what the boy and his sister look like? Now listen to 1a.2Qt小梦文库

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)2Qt小梦文库


1. (让学生听1a录音,然后回答问题。)2Qt小梦文库

T: Listen to the tape carefully, and then answer the questions.2Qt小梦文库


(1) Is the boy a student?2Qt小梦文库

(2) How old is his sister?2Qt小梦文库


T: Is he a student?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Yes, he is.2Qt小梦文库

T: Right. How old is his sister?2Qt小梦文库

Ss: Twelve.2Qt小梦文库

T: Yes. You’re right. Now listen again and repeat. When you’re reading, you can underline the key words.2Qt小梦文库

2. (根据短文里的关键词,完成1b,巩固1a所学知识。)2Qt小梦文库


T: Please find the key phrases in 1a.2Qt小梦文库



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