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Lessons 95-96新概念英语第一册课后答案详解ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第一册95-96课词汇学习 Word studyufB小梦文库

exact adj.ufB小梦文库


What is the exact time? 确切时间是什么时候?ufB小梦文库

This vase is an exact replica. 这只花瓶是件很巧妙的复制品。ufB小梦文库

It's the exact shape I've been looking for. 这恰好是我一直以来要寻找的形状。ufB小梦文库


The workers must obey exact rules. 工人们必须遵守严格的规定。ufB小梦文库

catch v.ufB小梦文库


We must hurry if we want to catch the last train. 如果我们想赶上最后一班火车就必须快点。ufB小梦文库

Every morning she would catch the 7.30 train to town. 每天早上她都赶7点半的那班火车进城。ufB小梦文库


I didn't catch what you said just now. 我没听清楚你刚才所说的话。ufB小梦文库


The bright colours on the wall caught our attention. 墙壁上鲜艳的颜色吸引了我们的注意力。ufB小梦文库

The beautiful view in front of me caught and held me. 我面前美丽的景色把我迷住了。ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第一册96课课后练习答案 Key to written exercisesufB小梦文库

Lesson 96ufB小梦文库


1 I had better stay here.ufB小梦文库

2 We had better wait for him.ufB小梦文库

3 You had better call a doctor.ufB小梦文库

4 They had better go home.ufB小梦文库

5 She had better hurry.ufB小梦文库

6 You had better be careful.ufB小梦文库


1 I'll go to Sydney in a month's time.ufB小梦文库

2 The next train will leave for Geneva in an hour's time.ufB小梦文库

3 I'll fly to Beijing in two days' time.ufB小梦文库

4 Jean and I will go to London in an hour's time.ufB小梦文库

Lessons 105-106新概念英语第一册课后答案详解ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第105-106课重点词汇学习 Word studyufB小梦文库

correct v.ufB小梦文库



Please correct me if I'm wrong. 如果我错了,请你纠正。ufB小梦文库

I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers. 我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷ufB小梦文库


This pair of glasses will correct your eyesight problem. 这副眼镜会有助于矫正你的视力问题。ufB小梦文库

Oh, let me correct my watch first. 噢,先让我把我的手表对好。ufB小梦文库

break v.ufB小梦文库


She told him not to break the vase. 她告诉他别把花瓶打碎了。ufB小梦文库

He broke a leg in the accident. 他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。ufB小梦文库


His little daughter has broken his favourite camera. 他的小女儿把他心爱的照相机弄坏了。ufB小梦文库

You shouldn't have bought such expensive toys for him because he will simply break them. 你不应该买这么昂贵的玩具给他,因为他会轻而易举地把它们弄坏的。ufB小梦文库


Any one who breaks the law should be punished. 任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。ufB小梦文库

The student who broke the school regulations was severely criticized. 那位违反了校规的学生受到了严厉的批评。ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第106课课后练习答案 Key to written exercisesufB小梦文库

Lesson 106ufB小梦文库


1 I want you to spell it.ufB小梦文库

2 I want you to telephone him.ufB小梦文库

3 I want you to wear it.ufB小梦文库

4 I want you to ask her.ufB小梦文库

5 I want you to tell them.ufB小梦文库

6 I want you to help us.ufB小梦文库


1 What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.ufB小梦文库

2 What do you want me to do? I want you to correct it.ufB小梦文库

3 What do you want me to do? I want you to listen to it.ufB小梦文库

4 What do you want me to do? I want you to describe it.ufB小梦文库

5 What do you want me to do? I want you to move it.ufB小梦文库

6 What do you want me to do? I want you to try it.ufB小梦文库

7 What do you want me to do? I want you to finish it.ufB小梦文库

8 What do you want me to do? I want you to keep it.ufB小梦文库


1 She is telling him not to hurt himself. She doesn't want him to hurt himself.ufB小梦文库

2 She is telling him not to slip. She doesn't want him to slip.ufB小梦文库

3 She is telling him not to fall. She doesn' t want him to fall.ufB小梦文库

4 She is telling them not to miss it. She doesn't want them to miss it.ufB小梦文库

5 She is telling him not to break it. She doesn' t want him to break it.ufB小梦文库

6 He is telling her not to drive it. He doesn't want her to drive it.ufB小梦文库


1 Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.ufB小梦文库

2 Because she doesn't want him to slip.ufB小梦文库

3 Because she doesn't want him to fall.ufB小梦文库

4 Because she doesn't want them to miss it.ufB小梦文库

5 Because she doesn't want him to break it.ufB小梦文库

6 Because he doesn't want her to drive it.ufB小梦文库

Lessons 115-116新概念英语第一册课后答案详解ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第一册115-116课重点单词学习 Word studyufB小梦文库

invite v.ufB小梦文库


We're inviting our colleagues to the party.ufB小梦文库


I hate people who invite themselves.ufB小梦文库



We invite readers' letters for this magazine.ufB小梦文库


The speaker paused, seeming to invite questions from the audience.ufB小梦文库




She's only joking with you.ufB小梦文库



Aren't you joking me?ufB小梦文库



The whole thing was a complete joke.ufB小梦文库


Don't get angry----it was only a joke!ufB小梦文库




1.I did nothing.ufB小梦文库

2.I saw no one.ufB小梦文库

3.I went nowhere.ufB小梦文库

4.I met nobody.ufB小梦文库


1.No, I didn't hear anything. I saw nothing.ufB小梦文库

2.No, I didn't speak to anyone. I spoke to no one.ufB小梦文库

3.No, I didn't go anywhere. I went nowhere.ufB小梦文库

4.No, I didn't buy anything. I bought nothing.ufB小梦文库

5.NO, I didn't write to anybody. I wrote to nobody.ufB小梦文库

6.No, I didn't meet anyone. I met no one.ufB小梦文库


1.Everyone's looking out of the window.ufB小梦文库

2.Everyone's hurrying to work.ufB小梦文库

3.Everyone's eating.ufB小梦文库

4.Everyone's drinking lemonade.ufB小梦文库


1.No, I haven't got anything to eat. I've got nothing to eat.ufB小梦文库

He's got something to eat.ufB小梦文库

2.No, I haven't got anything to do. I've got nothing to do. They've got something to do.ufB小梦文库

3.No, I haven't got anything to drink. I've got nothing to drink. She's got something to drink.ufB小梦文库

4.No, I haven't got anything to read. I've got nothing to read. He's got something to read.ufB小梦文库

Lessons 129-130新概念英语第一册课后答案详解ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第一册129-130课重点单词详解 Word studyufB小梦文库

charge v.ufB小梦文库


He was charged by the policeman for speeding.ufB小梦文库



The hotel charged them £ 900 for one night.ufB小梦文库



They charged him with murder.ufB小梦文库


wave v.ufB小梦文库


He waved us quiet.ufB小梦文库


She waved me goodbye.ufB小梦文库



The flag is waving in the wind.ufB小梦文库


She was attracted by the waving sea.ufB小梦文库


dream v.ufB小梦文库


He dreamt about his grandmother last night.ufB小梦文库


Do you often dream at night?ufB小梦文库



She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a birdufB小梦文库


I once dreamed of becoming a famous doctor.ufB小梦文库



Don't dream away your life!ufB小梦文库


Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I must have been dream ing.ufB小梦文库


新概念英语第一册130课课后练习答案 Key to written exercisesufB小梦文库


1 He didn't come to work yesterday. He must have been ill.ufB小梦文库

2 He didn't come to the office this morning. He had to stay at home.ufB小梦文库

3 I don't think she was Austrian. She must have been German.ufB小梦文库

4 I lost my pen so I had to buy a new one.ufB小梦文库

5 He forgot his case so he had to return home.ufB小梦文库

6 She didn't hear the phone. She must have been sleeping.ufB小梦文库


1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian.ufB小梦文库

They must have been Australian.ufB小梦文库

2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish.ufB小梦文库

She must have been Russian.ufB小梦文库

3 I don't think they were. They can't have been Japanese.ufB小梦文库

They must have been Chinese.ufB小梦文库

4 I don't think they were. They can't have been butchers.ufB小梦文库

They must have been bakers.ufB小梦文库

5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist.ufB小梦文库

She must have been a doctor.ufB小梦文库

6 I don't think he was. He can't have been a sales rep.ufB小梦文库

He must have been the boss.ufB小梦文库

7 I don't think she was. She can't have been seventeen.ufB小梦文库

She must have been twenty-one.ufB小梦文库

8 I don't think they were. They can't have been five.ufB小梦文库

They must have been seven.ufB小梦文库

9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six.ufB小梦文库

He must have been over eighty.ufB小梦文库

10 I don't think she was. She can't have been fifty-five.ufB小梦文库

She must have been under fifty.ufB小梦文库

11 I don't think it was. It can't have been the 17th yesterday.ufB小梦文库

It must have been the 16th yesterday.ufB小梦文库

12 I don't think it was. It can't have been Tuesday yesterday.ufB小梦文库

It must have been Wednesday yesterday.ufB小梦文库

13 I don't think it was. It can't have been the 19th yesterday.ufB小梦文库

It must have been the 20th yesterday.ufB小梦文库

14 I don't think it was. It can't have been cheap.ufB小梦文库

It must have been expensive.ufB小梦文库

15 I don't think it was. It can't have been easy.ufB小梦文库

It must have been difficult.ufB小梦文库

16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old.ufB小梦文库

She must have been young.ufB小梦文库

17 I don't think he was. He can't have been ill.ufB小梦文库

He must have been tired.ufB小梦文库

18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio.ufB小梦文库

They must have been watching television.ufB小梦文库

19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring.ufB小梦文库

She must have been looking for a new job.ufB小梦文库

20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting.ufB小梦文库

They must have been standing.ufB小梦文库

Lessons 139-140新概念英语第一册课后答案详解ufB小梦文库

新概念英语第一册139-140课词汇学习 Word studyufB小梦文库


(1)adj. 额外的;外加的;另外收费的:ufB小梦文库

Could you get an extra bottle of milk?ufB小梦文库


On Sundays, she always gets some extra sleep.ufB小梦文库


Guests at this hotel can use the gym at no extra cost.ufB小梦文库


(2)adv. 额外地;另外:ufB小梦文库

He usually works extra on weekends.ufB小梦文库


They'll charge you extra for room service.ufB小梦文库


She is extra nice to her colleagues these days.ufB小梦文库



(1)adj. 海外的;国外的:ufB小梦文库

The university recruits a large number of overseasufB小梦文库

students each year.ufB小梦文库


This small country depends heavily on its overseas trade.ufB小梦文库


(2)adv. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外:ufB小梦文库

John is going to work overseas soon.ufB小梦文库


He has never been overseas.ufB小梦文库


新概念英语第一册140课练习答案 Key to written exercisesufB小梦文库

Lesson 140ufB小梦文库


1 Yes, Graham Turner is speaking to John Smith.ufB小梦文库

2 Mary invited Mr. and Mrs. Turner to dinner.ufB小梦文库

3 Graham Turner said he would be there at six o'clock.ufB小梦文库

4 Because his boss wanted him to do some extra work.ufB小梦文库

5 No, he doesn't.ufB小梦文库

6 Mr. Turner's wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.ufB小梦文库


1 I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.ufB小梦文库

I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.ufB小梦文库

2 I want to know if you are dirty. Tell my if you are dirty.ufB小梦文库

I want to know why you are dirty. Tell me why you are dirty.ufB小梦文库

3 I want to know if you are lazy. Tell me if you are lazy.ufB小梦文库

I want to know why you are lazy. Tell me why you are lazy.ufB小梦文库

4 I want to know if you are busy. Tell me if you are busy.ufB小梦文库

I want to know why you are busy. Tell me why you are busy.ufB小梦文库


1 I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.ufB小梦文库

I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.ufB小梦文库

2 I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.ufB小梦文库

I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.ufB小梦文库

3 I want to know if you are painting. Tell me if you are painting.ufB小梦文库

I want to know what you are painting. Tell me what you are painting.ufB小梦文库

4 I want to know if you are playing. Tell me if you are playing.ufB小梦文库

I want to know what you are playing. Tell me what you are playing.ufB小梦文库


1 I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.ufB小梦文库

I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.ufB小梦文库

2 I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.ufB小梦文库

I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.ufB小梦文库

3 I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.ufB小梦文库

I want to know when Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me when Tom did his homework yesterday.ufB小梦文库


1.新概念英语第一册第1-2课:Excuse me!ufB小梦文库

2.新概念英语第一册第31-32课:Where's Sally?ufB小梦文库

3.新概念英语第一册第35-36课:Our villageufB小梦文库

4.新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakesufB小梦文库

5.新概念英语第一册第37-38课:Making a bookcaseufB小梦文库

6.新概念英语第一册第135-136课:The latest reportufB小梦文库

7.新概念英语第一册第71-72课:He’s awfulufB小梦文库

8.新概念英语第一册第41-42课:Penny's bagufB小梦文库

9.新概念英语第一册第33-34课:A fine dayufB小梦文库

10.新概念英语第一册第21-22课:Which book?ufB小梦文库

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