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新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 11-12)t1r小梦文库

词汇学习 Word studyt1r小梦文库

perhaps adv. 或许,大概,可能:t1r小梦文库

Perhaps it is, sir.t1r小梦文库


Perhaps it will rain.t1r小梦文库


Perhaps it's Sophie's handbag.t1r小梦文库


catch v.t1r小梦文库


Catch! 接着!t1r小梦文库


catch a thief 捉住一个贼t1r小梦文库


catch a cold 伤风t1r小梦文库

I have caught a bad cold.t1r小梦文库


练习答案 Key to written exercisest1r小梦文库

Lesson 12t1r小梦文库


1 Stella is here. That is her car.t1r小梦文库

2 Excuse me, Steven. Is this your umbrella?t1r小梦文库

3 I am an air hostess. My name is Britt.t1r小梦文库

4 Paul is here, too. That is his coat.t1r小梦文库


1 Whose is this handbag? It's Stella 's. It's her handbag.t1r小梦文库

2 Whose is this car? It's Paul's. It's his car.t1r小梦文库

3 Whose is this coat? It's Sophie 's. It's her coat.t1r小梦文库

4 Whose is this umbrella? It's Steven's. It's his umbrella.t1r小梦文库

5 Whose is this pen? It's my daughter's. It's her pen.t1r小梦文库

6 Whose is this dress? It's my son's. It's his dress.t1r小梦文库

7 Whose is this suit? It's my father's. It's his suit.t1r小梦文库

8 Whose is this skirt? It's my mother's. It's her skirt.t1r小梦文库

9 Whose is this blouse? It's my sister's. It's her blouse.t1r小梦文库

10 Whose is this tie? It's my brother's. It's his tie.t1r小梦文库

11 Whose is this pen? It's Sophie's. It's her pen.t1r小梦文库

12 Whose is this pencil? It's Hans'. It's his pencil.t1r小梦文库

新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 21-22)t1r小梦文库

词汇学习 Word studyt1r小梦文库




China is a large country.t1r小梦文库


Look at that large woman in white.t1r小梦文库


(2)big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。所以a large box未必big。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。如:t1r小梦文库

It is a big house.t1r小梦文库


She's very big in the filmdom.t1r小梦文库




It is a small factory.t1r小梦文库


I want the small one with the yellow handle.t1r小梦文库



There is a little garden behind our house.t1r小梦文库


She has the sweetest little smiles.t1r小梦文库


练习答案 Key to written exercisest1r小梦文库

Lesson 22t1r小梦文库


1 Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not. Her coat is grey.t1r小梦文库

2 Are these your pens? No, they're not. My pens are blue.t1r小梦文库

3 Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not. His hat is black.t1r小梦文库

4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not. Their books are red.t1r小梦文库

5 Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not. Her dog is brown and white.t1r小梦文库

6 Is this your father's tie? No, it's not. His tie is orange.t1r小梦文库


1 Give me a cup please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This dirty one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this dirty one. That clean one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

2 Give me a glass please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This empty one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this empty one. That full one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

3 Give me a bottle please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This large one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this large one. That small one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

4 Give me a box please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This big one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this big one. That little one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

5 Give me a tin please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This new one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this new one. That old one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

6 Give me a knife please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This sharp one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this sharp one. That blunt one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

7 Give me a spoon please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This new one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this new one. That old one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

8 Give me a fork please.t1r小梦文库

Which one? This large one?t1r小梦文库

No, not this large one. That small one.t1r小梦文库

Here you are.t1r小梦文库

Thank you.t1r小梦文库

新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 37-38)t1r小梦文库

词汇学习 Word studyt1r小梦文库



What colour is George going to paint it?t1r小梦文库



Who painted this picture?t1r小梦文库



His novel paints a peaceful picture of the country life in Europe.t1r小梦文库



Wet Paint! 油漆未干!t1r小梦文库

I bought a box of paints. 我买了一盒颜料。t1r小梦文库



He works 45 hours per week. 他每周工作45个小时。t1r小梦文库


He works as a bank clerk. 他是一名银行职员。t1r小梦文库


If you work hard, you'll pass your exams.t1r小梦文库


He wants to have a good sleep after a day's work.t1r小梦文库


The students finished all their work in class.t1r小梦文库


He is without work.t1r小梦文库


练习答案 Key to written exercisest1r小梦文库

Lesson 38t1r小梦文库


1 What are you doing? We are reading.t1r小梦文库

2 What are they doing? They are doing their homework.t1r小梦文库

3 What is he doing? He is working hard.t1r小梦文库

4 What are you doing? I am washing the dishes.t1r小梦文库


1 What are you going to do? I'm going to shave.t1r小梦文库

What are you doing now? I'm shaving.t1r小梦文库

2 What are you going to do? I'm going to wait for a bus.t1r小梦文库

What are you doing now? I'm waiting for a bus.t1r小梦文库

3 What are you going to do? I'm going to do my homework.t1r小梦文库

What are you doing now? I'm doing my homework.t1r小梦文库

4 What are you going to do? I'm going to listen to the stereo.t1r小梦文库

What are you doing now? I'm listening to the stereo.t1r小梦文库

5 What are you going to do? I'm going to wash the dishes.t1r小梦文库

What are you doing now? I'm washing the dishes.t1r小梦文库

新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 47-48)t1r小梦文库

词汇学习 Word studyt1r小梦文库

like v.t1r小梦文库


I like that sweet girl. 我喜欢那个可爱的姑娘。t1r小梦文库

John likes Chinese food. 约翰喜欢吃中国菜。t1r小梦文库


Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡?t1r小梦文库

How does Ann like her coffee? 安想喝什么样的咖啡?t1r小梦文库

want v.t1r小梦文库


I want some sugar. 我想要些糖。t1r小梦文库

I want you to try. 我希望你试试。t1r小梦文库


Those drooping flowers want water. 那些正在枯萎的花朵需要水分。t1r小梦文库

My leather shoes want cleaning. 我的皮鞋需要擦擦了。t1r小梦文库

练习答案 Key to written exercisest1r小梦文库

Lesson 48t1r小梦文库


1 The aeroplane is flying over the village.t1r小梦文库

2 The ship is going under the bridge.t1r小梦文库

3 The children are swimming across the river.t1r小梦文库

4 Two cats are running along the wall.t1r小梦文库

5 The boy is jumping off the branch.t1r小梦文库

6 The girl is sitting between her mother and her father.t1r小梦文库

7 The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.t1r小梦文库

8 The blackboard is behind the teacher.t1r小梦文库


1 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like honey, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

2 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like bananas, but I don't want one.t1r小梦文库

3 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like jam, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

4 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like oranges, but I don't want one.t1r小梦文库

5 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like ice cream, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

6 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like whisky, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

7 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like apples, but I don't want one.t1r小梦文库

8 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like wine, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

9 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like biscuits, but I don't want one.t1r小梦文库

10 Yes, I do.t1r小梦文库

I like beer, but I don't want any.t1r小梦文库

新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 93-94)t1r小梦文库

新概念英语第一册93-94课词汇学习 Word studyt1r小梦文库

return v.t1r小梦文库


He's just returned from abroad. 他刚从国外回来。t1r小梦文库

He'll return to London the week after next. 下下个星期他将返回伦敦。t1r小梦文库


Spring will return soon. 很快就又是春天了。t1r小梦文库

He returned to his copy of the New York Times. 他又重读起他那份《纽约时报》来。t1r小梦文库


I'm going to return these books to the library. 我要把这些书还给图书馆。t1r小梦文库

I lent him my records and he never returned them! 我把自己的唱片借给他,而他却从未归还!t1r小梦文库

lucky adj.t1r小梦文库


Nigel is a very lucky man. 奈杰尔是个很幸运的人。t1r小梦文库

She was lucky to get such a well-paid job. 她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。t1r小梦文库


He didn't really know the answer----it was just a lucky guess. 他并非真知道答案——那不过是个侥幸的猜测。t1r小梦文库

It's lucky he's here. 他碰巧在这儿。t1r小梦文库

新概念英语第一册第94课课后练习答案 Key to written exercisest1r小梦文库

Lesson 94t1r小梦文库


1 He will go to New York next week.t1r小梦文库

2 She will go to Sydney next month.t1r小梦文库

3 I will go to Paris the year after next.t1r小梦文库

4 We will go to Stockholm next year.t1r小梦文库

5 They will go to Geneva the week after next.t1r小梦文库


1 No, Helen won't return to Geneva next year. She'll return to Bombay.t1r小梦文库

2 No, I won't fly to London tomorrow. I'll fly to Geneva.t1r小梦文库

3 No, Tom and I won't go to Madrid next year. We'll go to London. wt1r小梦文库

4 No, Tom won't arrive from Moscow next month. He'll arrive from Madrid.t1r小梦文库

5 No, Carol and Helen won't stay in New York next month. They'll stay in Moscow.t1r小梦文库


1.新概念英语第一册第1-2课:Excuse me!t1r小梦文库

2.新概念英语第一册第41-42课:Penny's bagt1r小梦文库

3.新概念英语第一册第31-32课:Where's Sally?t1r小梦文库

4.新概念英语第一册第71-72课:He’s awfult1r小梦文库

5.新概念英语第一册第135-136课:The latest reportt1r小梦文库

6.新概念英语第一册第133-134课:Sensational newst1r小梦文库

7.新概念英语第一册第39-40课:Don't drop it!t1r小梦文库

8.新概念英语第一册第35-36课:Our villaget1r小梦文库

9.新概念英语第一册第21-22课:Which book?t1r小梦文库

10.新概念英语第一册第37-38课:Making a bookcaset1r小梦文库

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