雨后,院里来了个麻雀,刚长全了羽毛。它在院里跳,有时飞一下,不过是由地上飞到花盆沿上,或由花盆上飞下来。看它这么飞了两三次,我看出来: 它并不会飞得再高一些。,它的左翅的几根长翎拧在一处,有一根特别的长,似乎要脱落下来。我试着往前凑,它跳一跳,可是又停住,看着我,小黑豆眼带出点要 亲近我又不完全信任的神气。我想到了:这是个熟鸟,也许是自幼便养在笼中的。所以它不十分怕人。可是它的左翅也许是被养着它的或别个孩子给扯坏,所以它爱 人,又不完全信任。想到这个,我忽然的很难过。一个飞禽失去翅膀是多么可怜。这个小鸟离了人恐怕不会活,可是人又那么狠心,伤了它的翎羽。它被人毁坏了, 而还想依靠人,多么可怜!它的眼带出进退为难的神情,虽然只是那么个小而不美的小鸟,它的举动与表情可露出极大的委屈与为难。它是要保全它那点生命,而不 晓得如何是好。对它自己与人都没有信心,而又愿找到些倚靠。它跳一跳,停一停,看着我,又不敢过来。我想拿几个饭粒诱它前来,又不敢离开,我怕小猫来扑 它。可是小猫并没在院里,我很快地跑进厨房,抓来了几个饭粒。及至我回来,小鸟已不见了。我向外院跑去,小猫在影壁前的花盆旁蹲着呢。我忙去驱逐它,它只 一扑,把小鸟擒住!被人养惯的小麻雀,连挣扎都不会,尾与爪在猫嘴旁搭拉着,和死去差不多。
As soon as the rain stopped, a little sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. It hopped, fluttered, darting up to the edge of flower pots and back to the ground again. Watching it move up and down a couple of times, I realized drat it could not fly any higher as the plumes on its left wing had got twisted with one sticking out as if about to come off. When I made an attempt to move closer, it jumped off a hit and stopped again, staring back at me with its small, black and bean-like eyes that had a mixed look of wanting to be friends with me and not being certain that I was trustworthy. It occurred to me that this must be a tame bird, having been caged since it was hatched perhaps. No wonder it was not much scared of my presence. Its left wing might have been impaired by some kid and that was why there was distrust in its look though it showed some intimacy with man. Suddenly I was seized with sadness. How miserable it was for a bird to lose its wings! Without someone taking care of it this small thing could not survive. But man had injured its wing. How cruel he was! Injured as it was, it still wanted to rely on man. How pitiable! The look in its eyes showed that She little creature was of two minds. It was small and by no means pretty, yet its gestures and expressions revealed that it had been wronged and landed in a difficult situation. It was anxious to keep its delicate life out of danger, but it did not know what to do. It had little confidence in itself and less trust in man, but it needed someone to rely on. It hopped and stopped, looking at me but too shy to come over. I thought of fetching some cooked rice to attract it, but I dared not leave it alone test it should be attacked by the kitten. As the kitten was not around at the moment, I hurried to the kitchen and cause back with a few grains only to find the bind missing. I ran to the outer yard and saw the kitten crouching by a flower pot in front of the screen wall. I hastened to drive her away but, with a quick jump, she caught hold of the bird. The tame sparrow, with its tail and claws dangling from the kitten’s mouth, did not even know how to struggle. It looked more dead than alive.
直译法:直译法不仅能够传达英语谚语中所承载的文化信息,而且能产生较高的文化信息传递的有效度,同时还保留了英语谚语的民族色彩和文化特点,使中国读者能更好地感觉英语文化。这种译法是把忠实于原文内容放在第一位,把忠实于原文形式放在第二位,把通顺的译文形式放在第三位。例如:all roads lead to rome.(条条大路通罗马)
1、恒山 Hengshan Mountain (山西)
2、淮河 the Huaihe River (河南、安徽、江苏)
3、巢湖 the Chaohu Lake (安徽)
4、渤海 the Bohai Sea (辽宁、山东)
5、韩江 the Hanjiang River (广东)
6、礼县 Lixian County (甘肃陇南地区)
1、都江堰市 Dujiangyan City (比较:the Dujiang Weir)(四川)
2、绥芬河市 Suifenhe City (比较:the Suifen River)(黑龙江)
3、白水江自然保护区 Baishuijiang Nature Reserve(比较:the baishui river)(甘肃)
4、青铜峡水利枢纽 Qingtongxia Water Control Project(比较:the Qingtong Gorge)(宁厦)
5、武夷山自然保护区 Wryishan Nature Reserve(比较:Wuyi Mountain)(福建)
6、西湖区风景名胜区 Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Xihu(比较:the West lake)(浙江杭州)
1)mount:峨眉山 Mount Emei(四川峨眉)
2)mountain: 五台山Wutai Mountain(山西)
3)hill:象鼻山 the Elephant Hill(广西桂林)
4)island:大屿山 Lantau Island(中国香港)
5)range:念青唐古拉山 the Nyainqentanglha Range(西藏)
6)peak:拉旗山 Victoria Peak(中国香港)
7)rock:狮子山 Lion Rock(中国香港)
1)sea:东海 the East China Sea
2)lake:邛海 the Qionghai Lake(四川西昌)
3)harbour:大滩海 Long Harbour(中国香港)
4)port:牛尾海 Port Shelter(中国香港)
5)forest:蜀南竹海 the Bamboo Forest in Southern Sichuan(四川长岭)
1、嘉陵江 the Jialing River(四川)
2、永定河 the Yongding River (河北、北京、天津)
3、螳螂川 the Tanglang River(云南)
4、汉水 the Hanshui River(陕西、湖北)
5、古田溪 the Gutian River(福建)
陕西省 Shaanxi Province
陕县 Shanxian County(河南)
洞庭湖 the Dong Lake(湖南)
洪洞县 Hongtong County(山西)
六合县 Luhe County(江苏)
六盘水市 Liupanshui City(贵州)
荥阳市 Xingyang City(河南)
荥经县 Yingjing County(四川雅安地区)
林甸县 Lindian County(黑龙江大庆市)
林芝地区 Nyingchi Prefecture(西藏)
林周县 Lhunzhub County(西藏拉萨市)
米林县 Mainling County(西藏林芝地区)
扎赉特旗 Jalaid Banner(内蒙古兴安盟)
扎兰屯市 Zalantun City(内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟)
扎囊县 Chanang County(西藏山南地区)
扎龙自然保护区 Zhalong Nature Reserve(黑龙江齐齐哈尔市)
扎达县 Zanda County(西藏阿里地区)
扎陵湖 the Gyaring Lake(青海)
共同关心的问题questions of common interest
解决问题solve a problem
问题的关键the heart of the matter
关键问题a key problem
原则问题a question/matter of principle
没有什么问题without any mishap
摩托车有点问题Something is wrong with the motorcycle.
问题不在这里That is not the point.
沙博里将《水浒传》译为:Outlaws of the Marsh(沼泽地上的亡命之徒),杨宪益译将屈原的《国殇》译为:For Those Fallen for Their Country,北外出版社将《儒林外史》译为:The Scholars。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳作。
黄牛(yellow cow――ox前误后正,下同)
黄鹂(yellow bird ――oriole)
黄瓜( yellow melon――cucumber)
紫菜(purple vegetable ――laver)
红木(red wood――padauk)
红豆杉(red fir――Chinese yew)
黑社会(black society ――sinistergang)
And tossed the pen on the table. He intoned the verses to himself, then downed a few more cups of wine. He was very dunk. Song-Jiang asked for the bill, paid, and told the waiter to keep the change. (沙博里译《水浒传?浔阳楼宋江吟反诗》)
目前,《水浒传》最好的英译本要数沙博里先生的本子了。沙博里出生在美国,青年时来到中国,一住就是半个多世纪。为了译好《水浒传》,据说他潜心研究了山东的地方志和旧时方言,可谓精诚所致,译著既“达”又“雅”。然而历史告诉我们,中国古人没有用过钢笔,宋朝时用的还是毛笔,故the pen 应改为the writing-brush。
The US policy of linking trade with human rights can only bring harm to the economic interests of the two countries.
China can&39;t develop in isolation from the rest of the world.
Failure to settle this issue is bound to impair the relations between the two countries seriously.
If the problem is not solved, it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries.
On the Hawaiian sandy beach, the coconut palms are whirling, the congenialsea breeze is blowing, and a young lady is lying in the white plastic chair resting to restore energy.
因为是轻松读本,又是描述性的文字,使用三个主语the coconut palms、the congenial sea breeze、a young lady仍是可取的。
At the reunion party for 20 anniversary of graduation from university, I suddenly asked my former teacher in charge of our class then:” Since I am not of short stature, how did you arrange me at the first row?”
When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopicwent to shoes-polishing shop for her buskins,the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally.