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Examiner : Do you like giving gift to people ?l2e小梦文库


这时,如果我们只回答“Yes , I do . ”或者“No , I don't . ”都是不妥的。那运用红色答题法能不能达到较好的答案呢?l2e小梦文库


那么,我们在决定说“ No ”之后应该加入什么补充信息呢? Reason ? Example ? Detail ? 显然,这里我们用举例子和细节的方法都不太合适,最好是给出原因 ( Detail ) 。因此,如果按以下方式回答就显得好很多:l2e小梦文库

Well , I guess that gift giving is a pretty disturbing thing . Well , for one thing , its hard for me to find valuable gifts for my friends or family , i've no idea on their preference and taste and i'm so afraid of that they don't feel happy when they receive my present .l2e小梦文库


Examiner : Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself ?l2e小梦文库



Personally speaking , I guess I prefer to work or study with a group of people rather than study on my own . There are some benefits that worth a mention . For example , i can get more ideas and build up my communication skillsi.l2e小梦文库


Describe a piece of artwork or handicraft you made at school.l2e小梦文库

You should say:l2e小梦文库

when you made itl2e小梦文库

what it is likel2e小梦文库

how you made itl2e小梦文库

and explain why you made it.l2e小梦文库

We didn’t do a lot of arts and crafts when I was at school, so when we did it was a big deal. When you’re a kid, glue and paint ismuch more interesting than numbers and books, so it really sticks in your mind.l2e小梦文库

I remember one year, I was in primary school, so I must have been six or seven years old. It was Mother’s Day and my teacher told us we would make a greeting card for our mum to say thank you to her for raising us and to show that we loved her.l2e小梦文库

My memory is a little hazy, but I can still recall using the special scissors that you have in school, the ones that are extra safe so that children do not hurt themselves when they try to cut something. We also had the sticks of glue that you have to twist the bottom to get the sticky part. I cut a big heart out of some red paper and stuck it on to a yellow piece of card, then I covered it in glue and poured sparkly stuff all over it.Looking back it seems a bit over the top, but when you’re a child the more the better! Inside I wrote, “I love you, mummy” and drew a very bad picture of me.l2e小梦文库

Like I said, when you’re a kid you are always excited to make things and get messy with paint and glue. But because it was for my mum I was extra pumped up and wanted to make her the most beautiful card ever! She still has it today, along with a lot of other embarrassing artwork and photos from my childhood.l2e小梦文库


You should say:l2e小梦文库

what it isl2e小梦文库

when you first became interested in itl2e小梦文库

how you will learn about itl2e小梦文库

and explain why you want to learn more about it.l2e小梦文库

One of my biggest passions in life is food. I would say I’m not generally a fussy eater and I’m willing to try pretty much anything. I like food from all over the world, whether it’s spicy curries from India or delicious pasta dishes from Italy.l2e小梦文库

Unfortunately, while I’m very good at eating food, I’m not so great at cooking it! I can cook basic food, but my culinary skills are certainly nothing to write home about. I used to watch my mum cook at home, but not a lot of her talent rubbed off on me. Nevertheless, it sparked my interest in cooking and food in general.l2e小梦文库

I guess I could learn how be a better cook by reading a recipe book or watching cookery programmes on TV, but to be honest I think I’d be better off going to lessons. Once I’ve picked up the basics I can always try using a book at home, but to start I think I should have a teacher telling me what to do.l2e小梦文库

One thing I love to be able to do is cook an Indian curry from scratch. The best curries are always cooked without using a jar of sauce, but it requires a lot of different spices and you need to know how to use them.l2e小梦文库

I think it would be great to be a better cook as cooking can be very therapeutic and relaxing. Besides, everyone loves a good cook and it’s helpful to impress members of the opposite sex!l2e小梦文库



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