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为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,小编给大家整理了中级商务英语情景口语 ,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。8xc小梦文库



Dialogue 18xc小梦文库

M: Did you hear what happened in the Skart case? Some of the sensitive materials were leaked to the press, now every newspapers are all over it.8xc小梦文库

F: Oh...I bet the firm is fuming, do they know who spilled the beans?8xc小梦文库

M: I'm sure they have their suspicions, there were only a few senior level lawers who8xc小梦文库

were privileged the case details.8xc小梦文库

F: What kind of repercussions will there be for the people who are held responsible?8xc小梦文库

M: I'm sure there'll be cant, and there also might be some leagal consequences.8xc小梦文库

F: Why would the person who told have problems with the law?8xc小梦文库

M: Because whoever let the cat out of the bag was braking clan confidentiality.8xc小梦文库

F: I didn't think about that, that's pretty serious, are there investigators working on finding out who it was.8xc小梦文库

M: I'm sure management is on top of it.8xc小梦文库

Dialogue 28xc小梦文库

M: Now remember, the things I told you are just between you and me.8xc小梦文库

F: Don't worry, Mr Smith, your comments are of the record.8xc小梦文库

M: It is very important that no one can identify your source, if our company's president finds out that I let the top secret item spill, there will be serious consequences for me.8xc小梦文库

F: Like I said, Mr Smith, you have nothing to worry about, the things you have told me would stay here in this room.8xc小梦文库

M: I just want to confirm, you know, I could even get in trouble with the law.8xc小梦文库

F: Surely? it can't be that serious.8xc小梦文库

M: It is just that serious, I have just violated the confidentiality clause of my contract with the company, if they find out, it could be into the slammer for me.8xc小梦文库

F: Well, in that case, I would be specially careful to guard my sources.8xc小梦文库

M: Please do, there're a lot writing on it.8xc小梦文库



Dialogue 18xc小梦文库

A: How much will our order from your factory be?8xc小梦文库

B: I'll be happy to get back to you with an estimate in the next few days.8xc小梦文库

A: I'm afraid I can't wait that long. Can your office at least provide me with a ballpark figure?8xc小梦文库

B: Well, I would need an idea of how large your order would be. About how many units would you need?8xc小梦文库

A: Just give me an estimated figure for an order of 100 units.8xc小梦文库

A: Please give me a few minute to calculate.... Our asking price should be about $100 per unit with an order of 100. Is that price acceptable to you?8xc小梦文库

B: Your estimated is seems a little high to me, we're willing to pay $80 per unit.8xc小梦文库

A: Would an order of only 100 units, it'll be difficult to work within that kind of budget. Maybe if you were ordering 500 units or more units, we might be able to work something out.8xc小梦文库

Dialogue 28xc小梦文库

A: How much do you pay wholesale for your products?8xc小梦文库

B: We have a few different wholesale vendors, so our cost varies a bit over the fiscal year. But the difference is miniscule, a fluctuation of about 0.2%.8xc小梦文库

A: That must impact your bottom line at least a little bit, doesn't it? After all, your sticker price is pretty much set in stone. How much do they go for retail?8xc小梦文库

B: Retail price is 29.95 per unit. We take into consideration changes in supply cost when figuring this price.8xc小梦文库

A: Is that including tax?8xc小梦文库

B: No, that's the price before tax. The tax rate is varies from different marketing areas, so it is difficult for us to figure in.8xc小梦文库

A:How much is your profit margin then?8xc小梦文库

B: Our profit margin is in the neighborhood of 20%.8xc小梦文库


Fifty-five Budgets8xc小梦文库

Dialogue 18xc小梦文库

M: How's a budget for the Adam's project?8xc小梦文库

F: We're still drafting the final budget, but it seems like we'll have quite a buffer. Don't worry about going over budget for supplies, our funds are more than enough.8xc小梦文库

M: Are you sure? Last year we went over by 30% on suppliers alone, the financial department was out of my head.8xc小梦文库

F: They remembered last year's mistake and alarm it , this year they've taken last year's spending into consideration, they've given you adequate fund this year.8xc小梦文库

M: That's good to know, other than the supplies budget, we still have overhead cost, where did the extra money come from to cover supplies.8xc小梦文库

F: Actually, it did come from the overhead, most of those materials are still left over from last year, so we anticipate reusing them, we cut corners a bit.8xc小梦文库

M: That might be a problem, have you looked at what was left from the last year? Many of the pieces are in bad shape, they might not be reuseble. Perhaps you should alert the budget committee before it's too late, we may need more money.8xc小梦文库

F: I'll talk to them and see what can be arranged.8xc小梦文库

Dialogue 28xc小梦文库

M: How much do you have budget for our trip to Las Angeles?8xc小梦文库

F: In total, it should be about five thousand dollors for the week conference, would you like to see the breakdown?8xc小梦文库

M: Yes, I want to know exactly where the money is going, give me a detailed report.8xc小梦文库

F: First, we have the airline tickets which are five hundred dollars per person with four of us going, that's two thousand dollars, for our accommodations, we're spending eighty dollars a night per room for five days, that's another eight hundred dollars.8xc小梦文库

M: Won't you be able to find anything less expensive, we're sharing rooms, right?8xc小梦文库

F: I have two people to a room, the eighty dollars room rate is the lowest I could find. With the conferece going on that week, all the hotels have inflated their prices, they're making a killing.8xc小梦文库

M: So far, we've had twenty-eight hundred dollars, what else?8xc小梦文库

F: I have budget of twenty-five dollars per peron per day for food expenses, that totals another eight hundred dollars, and for other incidentals like taxe fees and tips, I have estimated four hundred dollars.8xc小梦文库

M: Well, that's only four thousand dollars, didn't tell me you budget was five thousand dollars? Where is the rest of money?8xc小梦文库

F: That's my buffer, I wanted to leave a little room in the budget just in case, it's better to be safe and thorough8xc小梦文库

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