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  47.stop doing sth. 停止做………moR小梦文库

  (1)请别吸烟了,对你的健康有害。 please stop smoking because it is bad for your health.moR小梦文库


  when the teacher came in, all the students stopped talking.moR小梦文库

  (3)当我们到达农场时,雨停了。 when we got to the farmer, it stopped raining.moR小梦文库

  (4) “别打了!” 父亲冲两个男孩叫道。“stop fighting!” father shouted at the two boys.moR小梦文库

  (5)永远别停止向他人学习。 never stopping studying from others.moR小梦文库

  48.stop to do… 停下来去做……moR小梦文库


  he stopped to listen to the music because he felt a little bit tired.moR小梦文库


  after three hours‘ working, he stopped to go to bed.moR小梦文库


  in class, everyone stops to take notes while listening to the teacher.moR小梦文库

  (4) jim想了一会,然后继续这项工作。jim thought for a while and stopped to work on the project.moR小梦文库


  all the workers are working hard and nobody stops to have a rest.moR小梦文库

  49.stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做………moR小梦文库


  we should stop the boy from watching too much tv.moR小梦文库

  (2)多做锻炼能够防止人变老。doing more exercise can stop people from getting old.moR小梦文库

  (3)种树可以帮助防止水的流失。 planting trees can help to stop the water from running away.moR小梦文库

  (4)政府正在想办法阻止青少年吸烟。the government is trying to stop teenagers from smoking.moR小梦文库


  the mother stopped her son from playing too much computer games.moR小梦文库

  50. take sth. with sb. 随身带去某物; bring sth. with sb. 随身带来某物moR小梦文库

  (1)你有必要每天随身携带一些钱。it‘s necessary for you to bring some money with you every day.moR小梦文库

  (2)要下雨了。你最好随身带一把伞。it‘s going to rain. you had better take an umbrella with you.moR小梦文库

  (3)那天,他忘记带小礼物去晚会了。he forgot to take a small gift with him to the party that day.moR小梦文库

  (4)明天请带来一个笔记本。please bring a notebook with you to school tomorrow.moR小梦文库

  (5) 我会整天把这个漂亮的包带在身上。 i‘ll take the beautiful bag with me all the day.moR小梦文库

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