例句-1: "Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out--he&39;s lost all interest in life and won&39;t even get out of bed to eat."
To eat one&39;s heart out还可以用在另一种场合,也就是半开玩笑地让别人对你产生妒忌。你听了下面这个例子就会明白它的意思了。这是一个大学生在对他的要好朋友说话:
例句-2: "Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won&39;t pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy--I&39;m taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night."
听了这种话,再好的朋友恐怕也会生气的。所以,除非你当真把它作为开玩笑,而且肯定对方也把它当做玩笑,否则还是不要叫别人去eat his heart out。