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I. 有关数字的各种表达及注意事项ESg小梦文库

1. 整数的译法和读法ESg小梦文库

迅速无误识别数字的前提是必须能够流利地读出数字。要从读两位数起,然后练习读三位和四位数乃至五位或六位以上的数字。其中两位和三位数的读法是读所有数字的基础。英文数字中的每一个逗点的读法也要牢记:有一个逗点读“thousand”,两个逗点读“million”, 三个逗点读“billion”。还要清楚,每个逗点间由三位数组成。英文数字中的第四位数、第七位数、第十位数是很关键的数位。ESg小梦文库

1,234 读作:one thousand,two hundred and thirty-fourESg小梦文库

4,567,809 读作:four million,five hundred and sixty-seventhousand,eight hundred and nineESg小梦文库

5,678,120,000 读作:five billion,six hundred and seventy-eight million,one hundred and twe nty thousandESg小梦文库


126 读作one hundred(and)twenty-sixESg小梦文库

3,862 读作three thousand, eight hundred(and)sixty-twoESg小梦文库

489,932 读作four thousand(and)eight-nine thousand,nine hundred(and)thiety-twoESg小梦文库

以one开始的较大数字,通俗的用法或表示大概数字时,可用不定冠词a代替one,如:He&39;s written a thousand poems.ESg小梦文库


The fee is about eleven hundred yuan.(费用约一千一百元。)ESg小梦文库

也即,部分有一个逗点的数字(四位数),英国人用“thousand”表示,而美国人则多用“hundred”。 再如,有三个逗点的数字(十位数),美式读法为“billion”, 而英式读法为“thousand million”。因此,熟悉英美两种不同的读法对消除数字理解上的岐义是十分必要的。请看下面的对照表:ESg小梦文库

例词1,900 英式one thousand,nine hundred 美式nineteen hundredESg小梦文库

4,000,000,000 英式four thousand million 美式four billionESg小梦文库

2. 小数的译法和读法ESg小梦文库


0.12 读作[zero<美>/nought<英>]point one twoESg小梦文库

3.208 读作three point two o/zero eightESg小梦文库

小数的读法:小数点读作“point”,小数后各位数要分别读, 小数点前的数若为“0”可略去不读。ESg小梦文库

2.468 读作:two point four six eightESg小梦文库

0.157 读作:(zero)point one five sevenESg小梦文库

13.91读作:thirteen decimal(point)nine one;ESg小梦文库

0.23读作:nought demical two three;ESg小梦文库

1.25 读作 one point two five.ESg小梦文库

3.728 读作 three point seven two eightESg小梦文库

0.56读作 (naught)(美国用zero) point five sixESg小梦文库

0.009 读作 (naught) point naught naugnt nine( 美国用 zero 代替 naught)ESg小梦文库

3. 分数的译法和读法ESg小梦文库


1/3 one/a thirdESg小梦文库

1/5 one/a fifthESg小梦文库


1/2 a/one halfESg小梦文库

1/4 a/one quarterESg小梦文库

3/4 three quartersESg小梦文库


2/3 two thirdsESg小梦文库

6/7 six seventhsESg小梦文库



2/855 two over eight hundred and fifty-fiveESg小梦文库


9/267 nine over two six sevenESg小梦文库


1/3 读作:one-thirdESg小梦文库

7/12 读作:seven-twelfthsESg小梦文库

1/2 读作:a(one)halfESg小梦文库

3/4 读作:three quartersESg小梦文库

2 1/2 读作:two and a halfESg小梦文库

20/87 读作:twenty over eighty-sevenESg小梦文库

33/90 读作:thirty-three over ninetyESg小梦文库

4. 百分数的译法和读法ESg小梦文库

口译时,英语的百分数用“基数词+%”(读作per cent/percent)表达,如:ESg小梦文库

0.5% point five percent(或zero/nought point five percent)ESg小梦文库

0.05% point o five percentESg小梦文库

0.015% point o one five percentESg小梦文库

100% one hundred percentESg小梦文库

150% one hundred and fifty percentESg小梦文库

34.55% thirty-four point three five percentESg小梦文库

5. 电话号码、银行账号等的读法:ESg小梦文库


读电话号码时,每个数字一一读出,“o”英式读[ou];美式则读zero,这也是最常用于科技方面或最准确的形式,o极少用于科技方面(有时也读nought) ;英国人在读两个相同数字时,通常读成double尤其是当这两个数处在同一组时,较长的号码可以两个或三个数字为一组按节奏读出,如:ESg小梦文库

13901834567 读作one three nine//o one eight//three four five//six sevenESg小梦文库

345—6638读作:three four five,double six three eightESg小梦文库

307—4922读作:three oh seven,four nine double twoESg小梦文库

而美式则读成:three zero seven,four nine two twoESg小梦文库


例如:62899033即可读成six two eight double nine oh double three,也可读作six two eight nine nine oh double three,但99033绝不可读作nine nine oh three three。ESg小梦文库




15℃读作:fifteen degrees Centigrade(或Celsius)ESg小梦文库

32℉读作:thirty-two degrees FahrenheitESg小梦文库

0℃读作:nought degrees CentigradeESg小梦文库

-5℃读作:five degrees below zeroESg小梦文库



Room 302读作:Room three o two/three zero twoESg小梦文库

3491 King Street读作:thirty-four ninety-one King StreetESg小梦文库

第344房间 读作:Room three four fourESg小梦文库

6. 年代的读法:英语年代的读法和汉语不同,不是一个个数字分开读,而是以“百”为一个单位读,如:ESg小梦文库

329B.C.读作:three hundred(and)twenty-nine B.C.ESg小梦文库

1800 读作:eighteen hundredESg小梦文库

1492 读作:fourteen ninety-twoESg小梦文库

1503 读作:fifteen o threeESg小梦文库

1949 读作:nineteen forty-nine 在正式场合使用nineteen hundred and forty-nine的读法ESg小梦文库

2000 读作:two thousandESg小梦文库

2002 读作:two thousand and two或twenty o twoESg小梦文库

1800 读作:eighteen hundredESg小梦文库

1701 读作:seventeen oh one 或 seveteen hundred and oneESg小梦文库


in the 1840&39;s 读作:in the eighteen fourties (十九世纪四十年代)ESg小梦文库

in the 1950&39;s 读作:in the nineteen fifties(二十世纪五十年代)ESg小梦文库

in the &39;60&39;s 读作:in the sixties(本世纪六十年代)ESg小梦文库

如要表示一个年代的初期、中期、末期, 可在年代前分别加“early,mid,late”。如:in the early 1770&39;s;in the late 1590&39;s。ESg小梦文库


in the 2nd century 在二世纪ESg小梦文库

in the mid 13th century 在十三世纪中叶ESg小梦文库

7. 时间的表达法ESg小梦文库

表达时间的方法有三种,其中最为普遍的一种是先说分,再加介词“past”或“to”,然后说小时。若分数为15分、30分、45分,则用“quarter”、“half”代替具体的分数。习惯上, 分数在30分以内,用“past”,如过了30分,用“to”。美国英语中,常用“after ”代替“past”,用“before”(或till)代替“ to”。ESg小梦文库


8:00 读作:eight o&39;clock或eightESg小梦文库

9:15 读作:a quarter past nine(英式) 或 a quarter after nine(美式)ESg小梦文库

11:30 读作:half past eleven(英式) 或 eleven thirty(美式)ESg小梦文库

7:50 读作:ten to eight(英式) 或 ten before eight(美式)ESg小梦文库

表达时间的另一种方法是不用介词,先说小时数,再说分数。这种表达法多用于与汽车、火车、轮船、飞 机等相关的情境中,如发车时间、到站时间等。ESg小梦文库


4:30 p.m. 读作:four-thirty p.m.ESg小梦文库

5:45 p.m. 读作:five-fourty-five p.m.ESg小梦文库

最后一种方法是日常生活中最不常用的24小时制。如:用14:15 (fourteen-fifteen)代替2:15 p.m,用23:05(twenty-three-oh-five)代替11:05 p.m.。这种用法主要出现在官方的时刻表上和之声的正式报时中。ESg小梦文库


07:00 (Oh)seven hundred hours=7:00a.m.ESg小梦文库

09:15 (Oh) nine fifteen=9:15a.m.ESg小梦文库

12:00 twelve hundred hours=midday/noonESg小梦文库

13:45 thirteen forty-five-1:45p.m.ESg小梦文库

19:00 nineteen hundred hours:7:OOp.m.ESg小梦文库

23:05 twenty-three(Oh)five--11:05p.m.ESg小梦文库

24:00 twenty-four hundred hours=midnightESg小梦文库

24:10 twenty-fourten’ten past midnightESg小梦文库

8. 算术式的读法:ESg小梦文库

2+3=5 Two plus three is (equals, is equal to)five.ESg小梦文库

5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.ESg小梦文库

3×2=6 Three times two is six.or Three by two is six.ESg小梦文库

9÷3=3 Nine divided by three makes three.ESg小梦文库

9. 听懂美国和英国的货币说法:ESg小梦文库


美国货币由美元dollar和美分cent组成,one dollar等于100 cents。其纸币bill有一、二、五、十、二十、五十和一百美元等面值;硬币(coin)有一美分(或a penny)、五美分(或a nickel)、十美分(或a dime)和二十五美分(或a quarter)等。在数字前加$表示美元,如:$500表示五百美元;在数字后加C表示美分,如:50C表示50美分;表示由美元和美分组成的钱数时,常用$表示,如:$6.50。ESg小梦文库


英国货币由英镑(pound)和便士(pence)组成,也分为纸币notes和硬币coins。纸币有面值五镑、十镑、二十镑和五十镑;而硬币,即金属货币有一便士、二便士、五便士、十便士、二十便士、五十便士和一镑等。随身带的硬币可用change表示。100 pence等于1 pound。在数字前加£表示多少英镑,如:£800为800英镑;在数字后加P表示多少便士,如:5P表示五便士(penny的复数);表示由英镑和便士组成的钱数时通常不说出pence,如3镑50便士可说成£3.50或three pounds and fifty。ESg小梦文库

II. 记录数字的常见方法ESg小梦文库


1. 公式记录法ESg小梦文库


一万 10 thousand 一亿 100 millionESg小梦文库

十万 100 thousand 十亿 1 billionESg小梦文库

百万 1 million 百亿 10 billionESg小梦文库

千万 10 million 千亿 100 billionESg小梦文库

万亿 1 trillionESg小梦文库

(2) 以英语数字的关键计数点为出发点的公式:ESg小梦文库

1 thousand = 千 1 million = 百万 1 billion =十亿ESg小梦文库

10 thousand = 万 10 million = 千万 10 billion =百亿ESg小梦文库

100 thousand = 十万 100 million = 亿 100 billion =千亿ESg小梦文库

1 thrillion =万亿ESg小梦文库

2. 填空记录法ESg小梦文库


b, m, th,ESg小梦文库

十亿 亿 千万 百万, 十万 万 千, 百十个ESg小梦文库



听到英语Seventy-three billion ninety-six million four hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and eleven,可以如下所示记录:ESg小梦文库

73 096 412 511ESg小梦文库

b, m, th,ESg小梦文库

十亿 亿 千万 百万, 十万 万 千, 百十个ESg小梦文库




b, m, th,ESg小梦文库

十亿 亿 千万 百万, 十万 万 千, 百十个ESg小梦文库

6 0 3 3 0 5 7 030ESg小梦文库

读出英语:six billion thirty-three million fifty-seven thousand and thirtyESg小梦文库

3. “点三杠四”记录法ESg小梦文库


727 七百二十七 Seven hundred twenty-seven (in AmE); Seven hundred and twenty-seven (in BrE);ESg小梦文库

2,003 二千零三 Two thousand three (in AmE); Two thousand and three (in BrE);ESg小梦文库

1,97/4,727 一百九十七万四千七百二十七 One million, nine hundred (and) seventy-four thousand seven hundred (and) twenty-sevenESg小梦文库

1,1/75,00/0,000 十一亿七千五百万 One billion, one hundred seventy-five million (in AmE)ESg小梦文库

45,0/00,00/0,000 四百五十亿 Forty-five billionESg小梦文库




a. 听到汉语数字:“十五亿三千九百八十七万六千三百二十一”ESg小梦文库

b. 在笔记上记下:“15亿3987万6321”ESg小梦文库

c. 从右至左按英语计数方式三位一点:“1,5亿39,87万6,321”ESg小梦文库

d. 在每个逗点下方标记英文计数单位:“1,b5亿39,m87万6,th321”ESg小梦文库

e. 读出英文: “one billion five hundred thirty-nine million eight hundred seventy-six thousand three hundred and twenty-one”ESg小梦文库


a. 听到英文数字:“thirty-six million seven hundred twenty-four thousand six hundred and thirty-one”ESg小梦文库

b. 在笔记上记下: “36m724th631”ESg小梦文库

c. 从左至右按汉语计数方式每四位一划: “36m72/4th631”ESg小梦文库

d. 在每个斜线下标出汉语计数单位:“36m72/万4th631”ESg小梦文库

e. 读出汉语: “ 三千六百七十二万四千六百三十一”ESg小梦文库

(2) 缺位补零法是针对数字中有空位的情况下而设计的。ESg小梦文库

如上例中,假如每一位上都有数字,那么翻译时直接使用“点三杠四”法即可。但如果某些数位为零时,情况就要复杂一些。首先要注意数字中是否有零数位,有几个零数位,然后及时补零。此时就要注意汉语数字是以“千”位起始的四位一节,而英语数字是以hundred (百位)起始的三位一节。在翻译时转换过程如下:ESg小梦文库


a. 听到汉语数字:“六亿零五十八万零三十六”ESg小梦文库

b. 在笔记上记下:“6亿58万36”ESg小梦文库

c. 按照汉语数字每节四位的特点从右至左补零:“6亿0058万0036”ESg小梦文库

d. 从右至左按英语计数方式三位一点:“6亿00,58万0,036”ESg小梦文库

e. 在每个逗点下方标记英文计数单位:“6亿00,m58万0,th036”ESg小梦文库

f. 读出英文:“six hundred million five hundred eighty thousand and thirty-six”ESg小梦文库


a. 听到英文数字:“one hundred billion thirty-six million seven thousand and forty-one”ESg小梦文库

b. 在笔记中记下:“100b36m7th41”ESg小梦文库

c. 按照英语数字每节三位的特点从右至左补零:“100b036m007th041”ESg小梦文库

d. 从左至右按汉语计数方式每四位一划:“100b0/36m00/7th041”ESg小梦文库

e. 在每个斜线下标出汉语计数单位:“100b0/亿36m00/万7th041”ESg小梦文库

f. 读出汉语:“一千亿三千六百万七千零四十一”ESg小梦文库

4. 分节号记录法ESg小梦文库



“five thousand two hundred”可记录为“5,2”,ESg小梦文库

“seven million”,可记录为“7,,”ESg小梦文库

“one billion three hundred and twenty million”可记录为“1,,,320,,”。ESg小梦文库


5. 小数点法ESg小梦文库

该法主要用小数点将较大或较复杂的数字转化成单位较少、相对简单的数字。如“八百三十四万两千”可记录成“8.342 M”;又如“九亿七千万”可记录成“0.97 B”。“三十二亿六千五百万”记录为“3.265 B”。此法适合于多位整数的口译。ESg小梦文库



Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of Commerce on October 11, 2018ESg小梦文库


Dear friends from the press, good afternoon. Welcome to the regular press conference. Since I don’t have announcements to make today, we can proceed directly to Q&A. The floor is open.ESg小梦文库


China News Service: We have noticed that the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement includes the “poison pill” article: the countries that have signed a free trade deal with the US would not be able to sign deals with a “non-market country”. Some analysts believe that such an article may be replicated in the trade deals between the US and the EU or the US and Japan to marginalize China. What is MOFCOM’s response to that and how will China respond?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: Regarding the so-called “nonmarket country”, China has stressed many times that there is no such an article of “nonmarket country” in WTO multilateral rules. It only exists in the domestic laws of individual countries. China opposes the practice of placing a country’s domestic law above the international law and forcing one country’s will on others.ESg小梦文库


As for the relevant parts of the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement, China believes that a country should attract its trading partners based on market potential and policy environment by following the principles of mutual respect, equal consultation, mutual benefit and win-win results. The aim of FTA is to facilitate trade between members. One should uphold the principle of openness and inclusivity instead of limiting foreign relations of other members or pursuing exclusionism.ESg小梦文库


We believe that all economies have the autonomy to develop their foreign business relations and will value their commercial relations with China based on their needs for mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


CGTN: We have recently seen the speech by a US leader on the China policy. The speech mentioned that much of fast economic growth in China was driven by American investment. However, it also stated that China has also used an arsenal of policies inconsistent with free and fair trade for economic invasion against the US, including tariffs, currency manipulation, forced technology transfer and intellectual property theft. What is China’s response to that?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: The comments of the US leader ignore the facts of China-US business cooperation and are merely misleading the public. According to Chinese statistics, since 1987 when China started collecting statistics on foreign investment, China’s cumulative paid-in foreign investment reached US$2002.6 billion, including US$81.36 billion from the US, or 4.06% of the total. We do not deny the contribution of US investment to Chinese economic growth. However, China’s development is ultimately the result of China’s constant reform and opening up and the hard work of the Chinese people.ESg小梦文库


Since the reform and opening up, China has always been committed to the mutually beneficial and win-win principles in its foreign business cooperation and constantly opened its market to the world. The Chinese economy is actively integrating into the global economic system. We have never pursued the so-called economic invasion, and will never do so. On the contrary, we hope to share opportunities and pursue common development with all commercial partners to jointly build an open world economy and promote global economic growth. According to IMF statistics, since 2013, China’s average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30%. According to WTO statistics, from 2001 to 2017, the share of China’s imported goods in global total increased from 3.8% to 10.2% and that of imported services from 2.7% to 9.1%. China’s contribution to global economic and trade growth is clear to all.ESg小梦文库


As for the so-called policy tools inconsistent with free and fair trade mentioned by the US, China’s views are already very clear. We have always abided by the basic principles and rules of the WTO and have made our contribution to global trade liberalization and facilitation. We hope that the US would not find excuses for unilateralism and protectionism and should take practical measures constructively to genuinely safeguard the sound development of China-US business cooperation and the momentum of global economic growth. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


ITAR-TASS: China-US trade frictions have had adverse impact on countries around the world. What measures do China and the US need to take to restore bilateral commercial relations to the previous level? What solutions does China have? Will economic and trade frictions turn into political conflicts?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: Like you said, the trade frictions between China and the US, the world’s two biggest economies, have brought negative impact on not only the two countries, but also the entire world. The best way out is for both sides to fully show goodwill and mutual respect and have conversations and consultations based on equality and credibility. We believe that as long as the two sides are sincere about active cooperation and manage their differences, ways can be found to keep bilateral trade and economic relations on the track of cooperation. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


Xinhua News Agency: We’ve noted the remarks by US leaders of late that in order to have China open wider, they might take a tougher stance these days. Unless the two sides reach a so-called just and reciprocal agreement, they might impose more tariffs, which could more than double. They also threatened levies on the remaining US$267 billion worth of Chinese goods and believe that to be a show of strength of the US already having an impact on the Chinese market. What is your reaction to that?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: China has emphasized many times that US bullyism and extreme pressuring doesn’t work with China. The US may be used to using its so-called strength to interfere into others’ economy, but we don’t think that escalating trade tensions can help resolve our differences. Meanwhile, overall, the Chinese economy’s improving and progressing momentum amidst stability hasn’t changed. New dynamics are forming more rapidly towards quality development.ESg小梦文库


It is hoped that the US will not misjudge the situation and stop unilateralist and trade protectionist practices and return to the track of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation to address trade and economic differences through dialogue and consultation based on equality, credibility and mutual respect. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


Global Times English Version: In a speech the other day, a US leader alleged that China has reacted badly to the tough US position, including interfering in US domestic politics and elections by hitting the base of the President and influencing US business leaders by coercion to encourage them to condemn US trade acts. What’s China’s response?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: I believe that the evolution of the trade tension is well known to all. China has all along wanted to maintain the large picture of China-US economic and trade cooperation and doesn’t want a trade war. But the US started and has continuously escalated the trade frictions. In order to defend its own interests and the multilateral trading system and global free trade order, China has to counteract with rational and restrained measures. We are only defending our legitimate interests and have no intention to meddle in US domestic politics.ESg小梦文库


As for the accusation about China’s trying to influence US business leaders, China welcomes US companies and business leaders. I believe they have their own judgments. To our understanding, many US business leaders who are against the tariff measures on Chinese goods dare not speak out for fear of punishment by the US government. I don’t know whether the US government has made certain threats.ESg小梦文库


I want to reiterate that China’s original goal of maintaining the healthy development of Sino-US commercial relations hasn’t changed. Nor will its resolve to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


China Daily: We’ve noted that the US leader also said in the speech that competition doesn’t necessarily mean hostility. The US wishes to establish a constructive relationship with Beijing and doesn’t want a breakup. Though China has been diverging further away from the vision, it can still change path and return to the reform and opening-up spirit of decades ago when the two countries forged diplomatic ties. What’s China’s reaction?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: Recently, US leaders and officials of various levels mentioned China-US competition several times. It is normal for the world’s two largest economies to have a certain degree of competition. That said, both the history since we established diplomatic relations and realities show that China and the US have greater need for cooperation. In the past 40 years since we forged diplomatic ties, despite the ups and downs in bilateral trade and economic ties, China and the US are able to resolve differences through conversations and consultations and keep moving ahead along the line of cooperation and win-win.ESg小梦文库


In dealing with this round of trade and economic frictions, China has stuck to a constructive approach, whereas the US goes back on its words, lacks credit and takes measures to escalate trade frictions, affecting the normal development of China-US trade and economic cooperation.ESg小梦文库


This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. We’ll keep the basic state policy of opening up and open door for nation building to push the Chinese economy towards quality development in an open condition. It is hoped that the US can take genuinely constructive measures to promote higher levels of China-US commercial cooperation. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


CCTV-4: The just published white paper of Facts and China’s Position on China-US Trade Friction indicates that China would like to restart bilateral trade negotiations with the US on condition of equality and mutual benefit and launch bilateral FTA negotiations at an appropriate time. Have you confirmed with the US and received feedback?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: China is open to the relaunch of BIT talks and timely start of bilateral FTA negotiations. But unfortunately, the US is yet to show goodwill. It is hoped that the US will work with China to explore right ways to advance cooperation and resolve differences in a constructive manner and cooperative spirit to promote the healthy and steady development of bilateral trade and economic relations. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


CBN: Recently, the UMC and Korus FTA negotiations both made progress. US-Japan FTA talks are also showing signs of a start. The EU has tabled a WTO reform proposal. Has China studied and analyzed these texts? How will these developments affect China? How will China deal with the emerging changes in the international economy and trading system?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: We’ve noted some new developments in the mechanism building of bilateral and multilateral trade and economic cooperation.ESg小梦文库


No matter how changing external environment affects China, the key is to follow our own path and attend our business by continuously advancing supply-side structural reform, optimizing regional, industrial and product structures and push the Chinese economy towards quality development.ESg小梦文库


At the same time, China has been and will always be an active player and key contributor of the international trading system. China will remain committed to trade liberalization and facilitation and continue to champion the multilateral trading system. We’ll work with our trading partners to jointly steer the global trading system towards more fair and reasonable development for global economic growth. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


CRI: Premier Li Keqiang will soon be visiting the Netherlands. Could you please share some information on China-Netherlands trade and economic ties in recent years?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: In recent years, under the guidance of Chinese and Dutch leaders, China-Netherlands relations are now as good as never before. The two sides reached consensus on expanding and strengthening their comprehensive cooperative partnership that features openness and pragmatism, which lends continuous impetus to the sound and stable development of their bilateral relations.ESg小梦文库


Now, China-Netherlands bilateral trade and economic cooperation has entered the fast track, unlocking new potential for cooperation. First, bilateral trade maintains high-speed growth. In 2017, China-Netherlands trade in goods amounted to US$78.4 billion, up by 16% compared with the previous year, hitting a record high. In the first eight months of this year, bilateral trade in goods reached US$54.7 billion, up by 13% year on year. Now, Netherlands is China’s second largest trading partner in the EU and China is Netherlands’ second largest trading partner outside the EU. Second, two-way investment grows fast. Bilateral investment cooperation has entered a new stage. For China, the Netherlands is an important source of foreign investment and ODI destination in the EU. By August 2018, the Netherlands’ paid-in investment in China reached US$19 billion. By the end of 2017, China’s outstanding direct investment in the Netherlands reached US$18.5 billion. The two countries have a broad prospect for cooperation on agriculture, innovation, energy conservation, environmental protection and high technology, among others.ESg小梦文库


China stands ready to work with the Netherlands to further deepen international cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative. We are ready to make the most of platforms like the China International Import Expo to expand bilateral trade, promote two-way investment, strengthen cooperation in third markets and in particular, dig deep into our cooperation potential in hi-tech trade to bring bilateral commercial cooperation onto a new level. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


Shanghai Securities News: As we know, mart procurement is a new form of trade. Could you share some information about its development? Will there be more pilot marts in the future?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: As approved by the State Council, MOFCOM, together with related departments, has carried out 3 batches of pilot mart procurement projects at eight marts in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hebei and other provinces since 2013. We have been exploring and trying out new approaches in terms of administrative procedures, regulation methods and IT application. We have made policy breakthroughs in four aspects, including VAT exemption and simplified and classified customs declaration. We have set up an administrative mechanism, which designates the area of a pilot mart, requires the record filing of suppliers, purchasers and foreign trade businesses and provides a platform for information sharing. We have put in place a commodity recognition system and an IPR protection system that feature information sharing, departmental coordination, risks control and product traceability, basically realizing the administrative goal of source traceability, accountability and risks control. It is proved that pilot mart procurement projects have tapped into market entities’ vitality, expanded market scale, improved the internationalization level, promoted foreign trade growth and made satisfactory progress. According to China’s customs statistics, nationwide export through mart procurement trade in 2017 and the first eight months of 2018 grew by 54.2% and 71% year on year, respectively, remarkably higher than China’s overall export growth rate in the same time period.ESg小梦文库


On September 28, 2018, MOFCOM, together with related departments, implemented the fourth batches of pilot mart procurement projects at six marts in Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan and other provinces. Going forward, MOFCOM and six other departments will further step up the implementation, develop more replicable practices through institutional, administrative and services innovation as well as coordinated development to promote the innovative development of China’s foreign trade. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


Economic Information Daily: The 124th session of the Canton Fair will soon be held in Guangzhou. Could you please tell us something about it?ESg小梦文库


Gao Feng: This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. As an important window for opening up, during the past 61 years, the Canton Fair has contributed to China’s reform and opening up, its socialist modernization drive and the development of Chinese and foreign businesses and played a positive role in China’s reform and opening up as well as its economic and social development.ESg小梦文库


The 124th session of the Canton Fair will be opened on October 15. This year’s session will be innovative as always. It will be more professional, internationalized and market-oriented and go further in IT application. We will support businesses, in particular competitive ones, in exploring a more diversified market. The Fair will cover an area as big as 1.185 million square meters and provide 60,645 exhibition booths. Over 25,000 businesses from home and abroad will participate in the Fair. There are several highlights:ESg小梦文库


First, the Fair will be more professional. 2,297 businesses will exhibit their products in the brand name areas, up by 3.2% compared with the figure of the last brand name booth review. The structure will be further optimized. This year’s session will be participated by both competitive traditional brands that enjoy stable development and a batch of emerging businesses. We will see better role models in these businesses.ESg小梦文库


Second, structure of the exhibition area will be further optimized. We have expanded the area for home appliances, kitchenware and tableware, as well as household items. We will set a multifunctional area for onsite activities and further classify products in different areas.ESg小梦文库


Third, we continue to enhance the Fair’s role as a comprehensive multifunctional platform. With our plan to hold a smart Canton Fair, we will provide six major services, including smart services, pre-exhibition platforms, suppliers-purchasers matchmaking, Canton Fair recognition, brand promotion and smart business travelling. We will improve our all-channel, one-stop, synchronized online and offline services. We will provide exhibitors and purchasers with a smart, all-weather foreign trade-promotion platform before, during and after the Fair.ESg小梦文库


Fourth, we will strengthen the function of forums. This year, we will hold 20 high-quality meetings and forums, such as the Canton Fair International Development Forum in Phase 1 and a press conference to interpret the Report on China’s Foreign Trade (Autumn 2018) in Phase 3. We wish to provide exhibitors and purchasers with more platforms for exchanges. Thank you.ESg小梦文库


This is the end of today’s press conference. Thank you.ESg小梦文库



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