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雅思口语part2高分语料:your home5kI小梦文库


Where do you live?5kI小梦文库

What part of your country do you come from?5kI小梦文库

What nationality are you?5kI小梦文库

Can you describe your city / home town / village?5kI小梦文库

Can you describe where you live?5kI小梦文库

What other countries have you visited?5kI小梦文库

What do you like about where you live?5kI小梦文库

What do you find difficult about living in your home town?5kI小梦文库

What town or city do you come from?5kI小梦文库

What type of restaurants are there in your city / town / village?5kI小梦文库

Do you like shopping? How are the shopping centres in your home town?5kI小梦文库

How are the people in your home town?5kI小梦文库

What do the majority of people do to make a living in your home town?5kI小梦文库

Do you live in the capital of your country?5kI小梦文库

How long have you lived here?5kI小梦文库

Is the place you live a nice place? What's it like?5kI小梦文库

Are you here (in your host country) alone?5kI小梦文库

Do you like living in this country / your home town?5kI小梦文库

What do most teenagers like doing in your country?5kI小梦文库

When did you set up house?5kI小梦文库

Have you met your next-door neighbours yet?5kI小梦文库

Is there a supermarket in the neighbourhood (where you live)?5kI小梦文库

Are you a native of Aberdeen?5kI小梦文库

Would you like to move house to a bigger area?5kI小梦文库

Can you get along with your neighbours?5kI小梦文库

When did you settle in this town?5kI小梦文库

What are some of the problems of urban life?5kI小梦文库

Would you like to be inhabitant of a small village?5kI小梦文库

Which part of town do you live in?5kI小梦文库

Have you ever lived in the suburbs?5kI小梦文库

Do you like living in the centre of a big city?5kI小梦文库

What social problems do you think we have in your society?5kI小梦文库

How do you define a good society?5kI小梦文库

Do you consider your home town as a cultural spot?5kI小梦文库

What are the cultural values of your country?5kI小梦文库

Do you like living in a multicultural society?5kI小梦文库

How do you define a traditional society?5kI小梦文库

What makes an advanced industrial society?5kI小梦文库

Do you belong to a very close community who would find it difficult to accept too many newcomers?5kI小梦文库

Are there many different social classes of people in your country?5kI小梦文库

Do most people in your country own their house? Why (not)?5kI小梦文库

Is it easy to find accommodation in your home town?5kI小梦文库

What kind of place are you living in at the moment?5kI小梦文库

Who do you live with and why?5kI小梦文库

Are there any advantages of living where you are at present? What are they?5kI小梦文库

Can you describe your study room / bedroom to me?5kI小梦文库


You should say:5kI小梦文库

What did this advertising promote?5kI小梦文库

Where did you see this?5kI小梦文库

What was the content of it?5kI小梦文库

Why do you think it is impressive?5kI小梦文库


高分语料:Unlike a normal running shoe each toe was separate. It was really strange to see something like that because I had just been wondering a few weeks earlier why someone hadn't invented a running shoe like this before - and then a couple of weeks later by pure coincidence I came across them on the internet. I wasn't even looking for them or anything.5kI小梦文库


Describe a song that reminds you of a particular time.5kI小梦文库

You should say:5kI小梦文库

what it is about5kI小梦文库

what particular time it reminds you5kI小梦文库

how often you listen to it5kI小梦文库

and explain why you think it is special to you.5kI小梦文库

I’m sure a lot of people have a song that reminds them of their first kiss or a childhood memory, but one song that always brings a smile to my face is Gangnam Style by the South Korean artist, Psy.5kI小梦文库

The song is all in Korean, so I’m not particularly sure what it is about. I know that Gangnam is a rich area of the Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a bit like Beverly Hills in California. The video for the song is very random, with tongue-in-cheek jokes about money and being wealthy.5kI小梦文库

When I hear the song, it takes me back to my time at university. I can remember when it first started to appear on the internet, on social media and video sites like YouKu. I would watch it with my roommates in my dorm and in class on my phone. Then it really took off and it seemed to be everywhere, in shops, on TV and especially in bars and nightclubs.5kI小梦文库

Back then I used to listen to Gangnam Style all the time, you couldn’t really escape it, but nowadays it isn’t played so often. It’s been overtaken by new catchy songs like Xiao Pingguo, which means ‘little apple’.5kI小梦文库

To be honest, these days I find the song a bit annoying. I think it was overplayed and people got tired of it. But I guess it still holds a special place in my mind as it reminds me of being young and at university, of staying up late with my friends and watching videos on the internet until the early hours.5kI小梦文库



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