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My Son John = Diddle, Diddle, DumplingQ9Y小梦文库

here was a little boy called John. He was very playful. He played hard at the playground and was exhausted1 when he got home. His father told him to get undressed and ready for a bath. The little boy nodded and went straight to his room.Q9Y小梦文库

His father was waiting for John at the bathroom but he never came. His father went to John’s room. He saw that John was already asleep in his bed fully2 clothed. And one shoe was off but one shoe was still on his right foot.Q9Y小梦文库

His father took off John’s shoe and his trousers. He dressed him in his pyjamas3 and left him to sleep.Q9Y小梦文库

Moral of the story :Q9Y小梦文库

Avoid playing too much until you are too tired to do anything else.Q9Y小梦文库

Cobbler CobblerQ9Y小梦文库

In a small town in England, there lived a poor little girl. Her friend invited her to come to her birthday party. She was so excited. But her right shoe was spoilt. She needed to get it mended quickly. So, she went to see a cobbler in her little town.Q9Y小梦文库

“Cobbler, cobbler," called the girl. “Please mend my shoe."Q9Y小梦文库

“When do you want it done, little girl?" asked the cobbler.Q9Y小梦文库

“Get it done by half-past two. Then I will give you half a crown," said the girl. The cobbler smiled and quickly mended her shoe.Q9Y小梦文库

The cobbler finished repairing her shoe before half-past two. The little girl was so happy. Now, she could go to her friend's birthday party.Q9Y小梦文库

Moral of the story :Q9Y小梦文库

You should be grateful that there are people who could do something good for you.Q9Y小梦文库


Clever Thief 聪明的小偷Q9Y小梦文库

Devan was a clever thief. He robbed the rich and gave all to the sick and the needy. The other thieves were jealous of him. They planned to get rid of him. They challenged to steal the King’s Pyjamas.Q9Y小梦文库

Deven accepted the challenge. After that he prepared to execute the new challenge. He charted out a plan to steal the King. He prepared himself mentally to carry out a plan.Q9Y小梦文库

He went to the King’s Palace. He found the King sleeping. He opened a bottle of red ants on the bed. The King was badly bitten. He cried for help. The servants rushed in. They pretended to look for ants. Deven removed the King’s Pyjamas and escaped. Other thieves were dump founded.Q9Y小梦文库

They accepted Deven their leader.Q9Y小梦文库

Moral : Be clever.Q9Y小梦文库

Cat and Dog were FriendsQ9Y小梦文库

Once upon a time in a fairy tale land a cat and a dog were friends. One night, the cat invited the dog for a party at his house.Q9Y小梦文库

The cat played the fiddle1(演奏小提琴). The dog happily clapped his hands. Suddenly, they saw a cow flying in the sky. It jumped over the moon. The dog laughed. Just then, they saw a dish and a spoon from the party running away together. And they laughed even louder. After that they became the best friends.Q9Y小梦文库

Moral2 of the story :Q9Y小梦文库

Enemies could also become good friends.Q9Y小梦文库




Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its nice sleep. Then it saw a small mouse standing1 trembling2 with fear. The lion jumped on it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran away.Q9Y小梦文库

On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there and cut the net. Thus it escaped. There after, the mouse and the lion became friends. They lived happily in the forest afterwards.Q9Y小梦文库




★ 3则励志的寓言故事分享Q9Y小梦文库

★ 高考英语作文万能模板5篇总结分享Q9Y小梦文库

★ 英语演讲小孩子童话故事经典Q9Y小梦文库

★ 少儿英文故事演讲稿三分钟Q9Y小梦文库

★ 小学生有关故事英语演讲Q9Y小梦文库

★ 高一英语语法整理精选五篇分享Q9Y小梦文库

★ 高三英语知识点精选归纳5篇分享Q9Y小梦文库

★ 精选的经典故事意林小阅读心得体会分享Q9Y小梦文库

★ 高考英语知识点整理分享【5篇】Q9Y小梦文库

★ 高考英语作文满分范文分享5篇Q9Y小梦文库

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