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雅思阅读文章通读方法讲解 全文阅读有必要pVZ小梦文库




例如“剑四”52页30题题干“a description of the mental activities which are exercised and developed during play”,在文章相关段落中很难甄别出上述信息。还有T/F/NG题中,虽然题目顺序与原文答案出现顺序一般保持一致,但也不能完全排除顺序打乱的情况出现,例如“剑五”19页8-13题。要做出这些题,那就非读文章不可了。pVZ小梦文库


那么雅思文章该怎么读呢?首先,我们来看看雅思权威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell两位专家是怎么说的:“When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn’t.”按照他们的说法,雅思阅读就是考察学生在读长文章时筛选信息的能力,即read discriminately,知道哪些是重要信息必须细读,哪些是无用的,可以忽略。pVZ小梦文库


在英国念文科的同学都会有这样一种共识,那就是一学期要看很多书,写很多essay,有的同学虽然很刻苦,整日地泡在图书馆里做书虫,但还是读不完reading list中的必读书。再对比周围英国同学,他们不见得比我们刻苦,却很能掉书袋,写出的essay理论功底更深。pVZ小梦文库



因为学术是严谨的,在形式上它有一套严格的规范(the established academic caliber)。就学术范畴的文章而言,其观点可以犀利独到,但论证必须缜密,所以文章层次结构相比起他体裁是稳定的。换言之,学术文章有点八股文的味道。那么我们就可以利用这点迅速掌握文章结构继而掌握思路了。pVZ小梦文库

文章的性质决定了文章的结构。在《剑桥雅思》的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: “The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument.” 据笔者观察,所有雅思文章都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。pVZ小梦文库

雅思阅读模拟题:The Triumph of UnrepVZ小梦文库

Part IpVZ小梦文库

Reading Passage 1pVZ小梦文库

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based onpVZ小梦文库

Reading Passage1 below.pVZ小梦文库

The Triumph of Unreason?pVZ小梦文库


Neoclassical economics is built on the assumption that humans are rationalpVZ小梦文库

beings who have a clear idea of their best interests and strive to extractpVZ小梦文库

maximum benefit (or “utility”, in economist-speak) from any situation.pVZ小梦文库

Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rational.pVZ小梦文库

But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on thepVZ小梦文库

emotions—even when reason is clearly involved.pVZ小梦文库


The role of emotions in decisions makes perfect sense. For situations metpVZ小梦文库

frequently in the past, such as obtaining food and mates, and confronting orpVZ小梦文库

fleeing from threats, the neural mechanisms required to weigh up the pros andpVZ小梦文库

cons will have been honed by evolution to produce an optimal outcome. SincepVZ小梦文库

emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes,pVZ小梦文库

evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences forpVZ小梦文库

utility in these cases. But does this still apply when the ancestral machinerypVZ小梦文库

has to respond to the stimuli of urban modernity?pVZ小梦文库


One of the people who thinks that it does not is George Loewenstein, anpVZ小梦文库

economist at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. In particular, hepVZ小梦文库

suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in apVZ小梦文库

way that encourages people to run up debt. To prove the point he has teamed uppVZ小梦文库

with two psychologists, Brian Knutson of Stanford University and Drazen PrelecpVZ小梦文库

of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to look at what happens in thepVZ小梦文库

brain when it is deciding what to buy.pVZ小梦文库


In a study, the three researchers asked 26 volunteers to decide whether topVZ小梦文库

buy a series of products such as a box of chocolates or a DVD of the televisionpVZ小梦文库

show that were flashed on a computer screen one after another. In each round ofpVZ小梦文库

the task, the researchers first presented the product and then its price, withpVZ小梦文库

each step lasting four seconds. In the final stage, which also lasted fourpVZ小梦文库

seconds, they asked the volunteers to make up their minds. While the volunteerspVZ小梦文库

were taking part in the experiment, the researchers scanned their brains using apVZ小梦文库

technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This measurespVZ小梦文库

blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain, as an indication of itspVZ小梦文库



The researchers found that different parts of the brain were involved atpVZ小梦文库

different stages of the test. The nucleus accumbens was the most active partpVZ小梦文库

when a product was being displayed. Moreover, the level of its activitypVZ小梦文库

correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.pVZ小梦文库


When the price appeared, however, fMRI reported more activity in otherpVZ小梦文库

parts of the brain. Excessively high prices increased activity in the insularpVZ小梦文库

cortex, a brain region linked to expectations of pain, monetary loss and thepVZ小梦文库

viewing of upsetting pictures. The researchers also found greater activity inpVZ小梦文库

this region of the brain when the subject decided not to purchase an item.pVZ小梦文库


Price information activated the medial prefrontal cortex, too. This part ofpVZ小梦文库

the brain is involved in rational calculation. In the experiment its activitypVZ小梦文库

seemed to correlate with a volunteer's reaction to both product and price,pVZ小梦文库

rather than to price alone. Thus, the sense of a good bargain evoked higherpVZ小梦文库

activity levels in the medial prefrontal cortex, and this often preceded apVZ小梦文库

decision to buy.pVZ小梦文库


People's shopping behaviour therefore seems to have piggy-backed on oldpVZ小梦文库

neural circuits evolved for anticipation of reward and the avoidance of hazards.pVZ小梦文库

What Dr Loewenstein found interesting was the separation of the assessment ofpVZ小梦文库

the product (which seems to be associated with the nucleus accumbens) from thepVZ小梦文库

assessment of its price (associated with the insular cortex), even though thepVZ小梦文库

two are then synthesised in the prefrontal cortex. His hypothesis is that ratherpVZ小梦文库

than weighing the present good against future alternatives, as orthodoxpVZ小梦文库

economics suggests happens, people actually balance the immediate pleasure ofpVZ小梦文库

the prospective possession of a product with the immediate pain of paying forpVZ小梦文库



That makes perfect sense as an evolved mechanism for trading. If one usefulpVZ小梦文库

object is being traded for another (hard cash in modern time), the futurepVZ小梦文库

utility of what is being given up is embedded in the object being traded.pVZ小梦文库

Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. Buying on credit,pVZ小梦文库

though, may be different. The abstract nature of credit cards, coupled with thepVZ小梦文库

deferment of payment that they promise, may modulate the “con” side of thepVZ小梦文库

calculation in favour of the “pro”.pVZ小梦文库


Whether it actually does so will be the subject of further experiments thatpVZ小梦文库

the three researchers are now designing. These will test whether people withpVZ小梦文库

distinctly different spending behaviour, such as miserliness and extravagance,pVZ小梦文库

experience different amounts of pain in response to prices. They will alsopVZ小梦文库

assess whether, in the same individuals, buying with credit cards eases the painpVZ小梦文库

compared with paying by cash. If they find that it does, then credit cards maypVZ小梦文库

have to join the list of things such as fatty and sugary foods, and recreationalpVZ小梦文库

drugs, that subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable at the timepVZ小梦文库

but can have a long and malign aftertaste.pVZ小梦文库

雅思阅读模拟题:Time to coolpVZ小梦文库

Dec 13th 2006pVZ小梦文库

From The Economist print editionpVZ小梦文库

1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable andpVZ小梦文库

just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, butpVZ小梦文库

then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effectivepVZ小梦文库

idea--draw heat from the thing you want to cool by evaporating a liquid next topVZ小梦文库

it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it.pVZ小梦文库

This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well whenpVZ小梦文库

refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, coolingpVZ小梦文库

buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration.pVZ小梦文库

Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something topVZ小梦文库

replace them.pVZ小梦文库

2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act likepVZ小梦文库

batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them andpVZ小梦文库

they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array ofpVZ小梦文库

tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, forpVZ小梦文库

example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then bepVZ小梦文库

used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with thepVZ小梦文库

inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriatepVZ小梦文库

current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down.pVZ小梦文库

3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, ofpVZ小梦文库

Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and hispVZ小梦文库

colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than anypVZ小梦文库

previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from apVZ小梦文库

laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications.pVZ小梦文库

4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a littlepVZ小梦文库

hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees puttingpVZ小梦文库

his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners.pVZ小梦文库

The real money, though, may be in cooling computers.pVZ小梦文库

5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter for a longpVZ小梦文库

time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the numberpVZ小梦文库

of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat producedpVZ小梦文库

doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing inpVZ小梦文库

number, the components are getting faster. Heat is released every time a logicalpVZ小梦文库

operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is,pVZ小梦文库

the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output.pVZ小梦文库

And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore'spVZ小梦文库

company, Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the lastpVZ小梦文库

"single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second.pVZ小梦文库

6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisationpVZ小梦文库

and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃,pVZ小梦文库

they stop working. Tweaking the processor's heat sinks (copper or aluminiumpVZ小梦文库

boxes designed to radiate heat away) has reached its limit. So has tweaking thepVZ小梦文库

fans that circulate air over those heat sinks. And the idea of shifting frompVZ小梦文库

single-core processors to systems that divided processing power between firstpVZ小梦文库

two, and then four, subunits, in order to spread the thermal load, also seems topVZ小梦文库

have the end of the road in sight.pVZ小梦文库

7 One way out of this may be a second curious physical phenomenon, thepVZ小梦文库

thermoelectric effect. Like paraelectric materials, this generates electricitypVZ小梦文库

from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source. UnlikepVZ小梦文库

paraelectrics, a significant body of researchers is already working on it.pVZ小梦文库

8 The trick to a good thermoelectric material is a crystal structure inpVZ小梦文库

which electrons can flow freely, but the path of phonons--heat-carryingpVZ小梦文库

vibrations that are larger than electrons--is constantly interrupted. InpVZ小梦文库

practice, this trick is hard to pull off, and thermoelectric materials are thuspVZ小梦文库

less efficient than paraelectric ones (or, at least, than those examined by DrpVZ小梦文库

Mischenko). Nevertheless, Rama Venkatasubramanian, of Nextreme Thermal SolutionspVZ小梦文库

in North Carolina, claims to have made thermoelectric refrigerators that can sitpVZ小梦文库

on the back of computer chips and cool hotspots by 10℃. Ali Shakouri, of thepVZ小梦文库

University of California, Santa Cruz, says his are even smaller--so small thatpVZ小梦文库

they can go inside the chip.pVZ小梦文库

9 The last word in computer cooling, though, may go to a system even lesspVZ小梦文库

techy than a heat pump--a miniature version of a car radiator. Last year ApplepVZ小梦文库

launched a personal computer that is cooled by liquid that is pumped throughpVZ小梦文库

little channels in the processor, and thence to a radiator, where it gives uppVZ小梦文库

its heat to the atmosphere. To improve on this, IBM's research laboratory inpVZ小梦文库

Zurich is experimenting with tiny jets that stir the liquid up and thus makepVZ小梦文库

sure all of it eventually touches the outside of the channel--the part where thepVZ小梦文库

heat exchange takes place. In the future, therefore, a combination ofpVZ小梦文库

microchannels and either thermoelectrics or paraelectrics might cool computers.pVZ小梦文库

The old, as it were, hand in hand with the new.pVZ小梦文库








