1.1 工程名称:_______
1.2 工程地点:_______
1.3 工程内容:电缆敷设、电缆桥架安装、电缆终端头制作、电缆试验等。
1.4 工程规模:_______
1.5 工程质量标准:按照国家及行业标准执行。
2.1 乙方按照甲方提供的工程图纸、技术要求及工程量清单,进行施工。
2.2 乙方应按照甲方提供的 specifications and drawings. Once the drawings and specifications are confirmed, the two sides will sign the contract.
3.1 工程总工期:_______个月,具体开工日期和竣工日期在签订合同后15天内由双方共同确定。
3.2 若因为甲方提供的 the drawings and specifications are late, the schedule of the two sides to sign the contract is postponed accordingly.
4.1 工程 contracts, once determined, are fixed prices.
4.2 The contract price of the two adjustments due to the adjustment of the working range or the plan of the working range is not adjustable.
4.3 If the drawings and specifications are late to the two sides, and the specifications and details of the drawings specifications are different from the details of the specifications initially provided, the adjustments to the contract price determined in Article 4.2 above.
5.1 乙方在签订合同后15天内, should provide the preliminary design of the project to the甲方 for confirmation. If the design is confirmed by the甲方, the乙方 should also provide detailed design within 30 days after receiving the initial design is confirmed.
5.2 After the detailed design is provided by the two sides to sign the contract, the甲方 should provide the preliminary design and detailed design to the乙方 as soon as possible. The two sides should sign the contract after the designs are provided.
5.3 付款 should be made by the甲方 in three installments,_______.
5.4 The installment payments are_______:
a. The first installment payment is 15 percent of the contract price. This installment should be made 30 days after the contract is signed.
b. The second installment payment is 60 percent of the contract price. This payment should be made 30 days after the detailed design is confirmed.
c. The last installment payment is 25 percent of the contract price. This final installment payment should be made 15 days before the scheduled completion date of the project.
6.1 保修期限_______ months from the completion date of the project.
6.2 保修范围:电缆敷设、电缆桥架安装、电缆终端头制作。
7.1 若乙方未按照约定时间提供 initial design within 15 days after the contract is signed, the甲方 can terminate the contract and the advance payment made by the甲方 so far can be returned.
7.2 If the detailed design provided by the乙方 is not confirmed by the甲方, the甲方 also can terminate the contract and the advance payment made so far can be returned.
7.3 If the乙方 does not start the work as specified in the contract, the甲方 can terminate the contract and the advance payment made so far can be returned.
7.4 If any party terminates the contract as specified in the Articles 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3, the party that terminates the contract shall compensate the other party for the losses incurred due to the termination of the contract.
8.1 若在 the performance of this contract any disputes arise between the two parties, the parties should initially try to settle the disputes by friendly negotiations.
8.2 If the negotiations fail, the disputes can be submitted to_______ for arbitration.
9.1 本合同 is effective from the date it is signed.
9.2 This contract is written in Chinese and English versions. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version will prevail.
下列甲乙丙丁,为_______ and______.