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Actaeon 阿卡同hns小梦文库

Actaeon loved the hunting. He had been searching the woods every day. When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring.hns小梦文库

On this particular afternoon he felt so tired with running about that he, by accident, came over to the springing search of water.hns小梦文库

He was thus surprised to find Artemisba thing.hns小梦文库

The angry goddess was not to be calmed. She splashed1 water in the hunter&39;s face. As soon as the water drops fell on Actaeon, he was changed into a stag. Just at that moment he heard the barking of his team of fifty hunting dogs. They were coming up to him. He was suddenly seized with fear, and presently2 ran away. The dogs, all driven mad by the goddess, ran after him closely3. Running as fast as his legs could carry him. Actaeon was soon out of breath4, feeling certain that he was to die. He dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up. The dogs came nearer to their former master and tore him to places.hns小梦文库







The emperor of the South Sea was named "Tiao", the emperor of the North Sea was named "Hu", and the central emperor "Hun Dun".hns小梦文库

Tiao and Hu often had contacts with each other and were very intimate. They often met in the central area under Hun Dun&39;s rule and received his warm hospitality.hns小梦文库

One day, Tiao and Hu met again and talked about Hun Dun. They were very grateful to him and wished to repay him well.hns小梦文库

After discussing for a long time they realized that everyone has seven orifices; the mouth, nostrils1, ears, eyes, so that they can eat, smell, listen, and see the beautiful scenery of nature. Only Hun Dun did not have them and could not enjoy these pleasures.hns小梦文库

Finally, they thought of a clever way: they decided2 to bore seven holes on Hun Dun&39;s head. In this way he would be the same as others.hns小梦文库

Then, regardless of whether Hun Dun would agree or not, Tiao and Hu began working on him. One took a big chisel3 and the other swung an iron hammer to bore one hole a day on Hun Dun&39;s head. However, on the seventh day, Hun Dun bled from from the seven orifices to death.hns小梦文库








Some mischievous1 boys were playing on the edge of a pond, and, catching2 sight of some frogs swimming about in the shallow water, they began to amuse themselves by pelting3 them with stones, and they killed several of them. At last one of the frogs put his head out of the water and said, "Oh, stop! stop! I beg you: what is sport to you is death to us."hns小梦文库




Once, a fox and a hare became friends with the purpose of defending themselves against their joint1 enemy, the hunters, and made an oath to each other: to the same life and death, through thick and thin. One day, they were enjoying the natural beauty together in the fields when a party of hunters came and shot the hare dead. The fox had a narrow escape. After the hunters had gone, the fox came and wept over the death of his mate.hns小梦文库

An elderly gentleman who happened to pass by was surprised at the scene. Curiously2, he asked the fox the reason of her bitter weeping.hns小梦文库

The fox sorrowfully replied: "We are small animals. Being the prey3 of hunters, we had planned to defend ourselves against our joint enemy, the hunters, and promised to share life and death through thick and thin. Now our enemy has killed my companion. His death may mean the death of me tomorrow. We are real friends and real friends must share everything. How could I not help weeping!"hns小梦文库

"Oh, I see. You have good reasons to weep over the death of such a partner," exclaimed the elderly gentleman.hns小梦文库

The idiom, "The fox is sad at the death of the hare," comes from the story above, illustrating4 how one feels sad for the death or misfortunes of his companions.hns小梦文库







A dog and a sow1 were arguing and each claimed that its own young ones were finer than those of any other animal. "Well," said the sow at last, "mine can see, at any rate, when they come into the world: but yours are born blind."hns小梦文库




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