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新概念英语第一册:UNIT 1~3语音、语法、情景对话及习题tWO小梦文库



[i:] bee / tea / pea / key / see / threetWO小梦文库

[i] big / city / with / family / happy / littletWO小梦文库

[e] bed / beg / red / men / never / verytWO小梦文库

[$] bad / bag / dad / man / back / cattWO小梦文库

I often see that man in the street.tWO小梦文库

He has a very happy family.tWO小梦文库

A man is sitting on the desk.tWO小梦文库

You see the green leaves on the tree.tWO小梦文库

Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag.tWO小梦文库

II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)tWO小梦文库

● a bad appletWO小梦文库

● Big AppletWO小梦文库

● a fat cattWO小梦文库

● a hot potatotWO小梦文库

● A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.tWO小梦文库

● A friend in need is a friend indeed.tWO小梦文库

● God helps those who help themselves.tWO小梦文库



— Hi! / Hello! / Hullo! / How do you do?tWO小梦文库

— (Good) morning / afternoon / evening!tWO小梦文库

— How are you? / How are you going? / How are you all keeping?tWO小梦文库

— Fine / Well. Thank you. And you? / What about you? / How about you?tWO小梦文库

— Not too bad! / Pretty good! / Couldn&39;t be better! / Just so-so. / I&39;m just my old self!tWO小梦文库

— Nice / Glad / Pleased to see / meet you!tWO小梦文库

— Nice to see you, too. / Same here!tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s my pleasure / honor to see you!tWO小梦文库

— Haven&39;t seen you for ages / for a long time.tWO小梦文库

— Long time no see.tWO小梦文库



[D:] work / girl / nurse / first / dirty / birdtWO小梦文库

[D] around / o&39;clock / driver / arrive / forget / famoustWO小梦文库

[K] nut / country / color / must / under / mothertWO小梦文库

I love my country.tWO小梦文库

Another fly-over will be built across that street.tWO小梦文库

You fall in love with my sister!tWO小梦文库

It&39;s fun to run and jump in the sun.tWO小梦文库

The first person in a clean shirt works in my firm.tWO小梦文库

Her younger brother&39;s daughter was a driver.tWO小梦文库

II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)tWO小梦文库

● loseone&39;s shirttWO小梦文库

● keep one&39;s shirt ontWO小梦文库

● eat like a birdtWO小梦文库

● a small potatotWO小梦文库

● The early bird catches the worm.tWO小梦文库

● Kill two birds with one stone.tWO小梦文库

● Two heads are better than one.tWO小梦文库



— See you (soon / later / next time / ...)tWO小梦文库

— Good night. / Goodbye. / Bye-bye.tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s nice to see you.tWO小梦文库

— How time flies! I have to be going now.tWO小梦文库

— I must go off / be off / be leaving.tWO小梦文库

— I suppose I&39;d better go.tWO小梦文库

— I&39;m really enjoying meeting you.tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s a pleasure to be with you here, but ...tWO小梦文库

— I can&39;t believe that time has come to say goodbye to you.tWO小梦文库

— Thank you for all you&39;ve done for me.tWO小梦文库

— Let&39;s keep in touch. / Don&39;t forget to drop me a line.tWO小梦文库

— All the best to you. / Remember meto you ...tWO小梦文库

— We must get together again soon.tWO小梦文库



[p] pea / pat / pair / pet / help / hopetWO小梦文库

[b] bee / bat / bear / bet / lab / buytWO小梦文库

[t] tie / tear / let / tall / fat / thattWO小梦文库

[d] die / dear / lead / bad / glad / downtWO小梦文库

[k] pick / back / mark / cook / lake / kindtWO小梦文库

[E] pig / bag / give / goat / beg / girltWO小梦文库

It makes me sick to think of it.tWO小梦文库

The cook is baking a cake.tWO小梦文库

Please pass Peter&39;s parents two pieces of paper.tWO小梦文库

Do as I did, or you&39;ll do what shouldn&39;t be done.tWO小梦文库

A good girl is going to her grandma for some good apples.tWO小梦文库

II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)tWO小梦文库

● during the dog daystWO小梦文库

● get one&39;s goattWO小梦文库

● black and bluetWO小梦文库

● as busy as a beetWO小梦文库

● a green handtWO小梦文库

● rob Peter to pay PaultWO小梦文库

● Every dog has his / its day.tWO小梦文库


● Fill in blanks with a / an.tWO小梦文库

1. Stella is ________ student, and she studies in ________ university. She is ________ American.tWO小梦文库

2. How many days are there in ________ year? How many minutes are there in ________ hour?tWO小梦文库

3. Our teacher is talking with ________ old man from ________ France.tWO小梦文库

4. There is ________ oil painting on the wall.tWO小梦文库

● Fill in blanks with is / am / are / my / your / her / histWO小梦文库

1. I ________ a new student. ________ name ________ Alice. I ________ French.tWO小梦文库

2. What nationality ________ you? I am ________ American. My brother ________ a teacher. ________ name is Mr. King. My aunt ________ an actress. ________ name ________ Stella.tWO小梦文库

3. Sue ________ my sister. She ________ a nurse. She likes ________ job.tWO小梦文库


1. Is that mechanic hardworking(勤劳的)? Yes, he is.tWO小梦文库

2. What does the young girl do? She is a housewife.tWO小梦文库

3. She doesn&39;t work hard. She is very lazy.tWO小梦文库

4. What nationality are you? I&39;m Spanish.tWO小梦文库

5. What colour are your new cases? Brown.tWO小梦文库

新概念英语第一册:UNIT 7~9语音、语法、情景对话及习题tWO小梦文库



[f] five / life / face / fish / fame / fatetWO小梦文库

[v] very / visit / every / vote / victory / overtWO小梦文库

[s] say / sorry / first / advice / student / schooltWO小梦文库

[z] zero / zip / zoo /tWO小梦文库

[L] think / mouth / thin / tooth / thief / clothtWO小梦文库

[M] this / those / there / than / them / clothestWO小梦文库

Five fellows ate five fish on February the first.tWO小梦文库

Britt visits the small village every weekend.tWO小梦文库

The parking zone is near the zoo.tWO小梦文库

A sleeping baby was sleeping in the sleeping car.tWO小梦文库

Alice left her mother and father and went to her brother&39;s.tWO小梦文库


电话实用句式 Telephone conversation:tWO小梦文库

— Hello, is that ... (speaking)? / Here is ... (speaking). Is ... there?tWO小梦文库

— This is ... (speaking). Who&39;s that?tWO小梦文库

— May I know who is calling, please?tWO小梦文库

— May I speak to / have a word with ...? / I&39;d like to speak to ...tWO小梦文库

— Hello! Can I help you? Whom do you want to speak to?tWO小梦文库

— All right. Hold on please.tWO小梦文库

— Sorry, he / she isn&39;t in. May I take a message for you?tWO小梦文库

— Would you like him to call you back? Could you leave your number?tWO小梦文库

— Would you mind calling back later? — I&39;ll tell him to ring back.tWO小梦文库

— I&39;m sorry, there&39;s no one here by the name.tWO小梦文库

— I&39;m afraid you&39;ve got / dialed the wrong number.tWO小梦文库

III.重要语法 Grammar (注意课上老师的讲解!!)tWO小梦文库




[Au] how / about / mouse / hour / loud / outsidetWO小梦文库

[Du] cold / home / go / post / goat / smoketWO小梦文库

I wouldn&39;t get his goat for small things.tWO小梦文库

He is nobody and holds no post here.tWO小梦文库

It&39;s getting darker and darker outside.tWO小梦文库

Read it louder and so that I can hear you better.tWO小梦文库

II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)tWO小梦文库

● Be left in the coldtWO小梦文库

● A bed of rosestWO小梦文库

● Go bananastWO小梦文库

● A black sheeptWO小梦文库

● A piece of caketWO小梦文库

● Do it well or not at all.tWO小梦文库

● Look before you leap.tWO小梦文库

● Easier said than done.tWO小梦文库


表述时间的句式 Time:tWO小梦文库

on time in time in no time off and ontWO小梦文库

— What&39;s the time (by your watch)?tWO小梦文库

— What time do you have? / What time is it?tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s at ... o&39;clock. (past / to / half past)tWO小梦文库

— What&39;s the date today? / What was the date yesterday?tWO小梦文库

— What day is it today? / What&39;s the day today?tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s time for ... / It&39;s time to ... / It&39;s time that ...tWO小梦文库

— Time is limited / running out.tWO小梦文库

— I suppose it&39;s about time (that) ...tWO小梦文库

— What&39;s the business time of this bank?tWO小梦文库

— When is the meeting? / When does the meeting begin?tWO小梦文库



[N] she / shy / cash / show / short / shoretWO小梦文库

[I] measure / treasure / pleasure / usual / television / decisiontWO小梦文库

[h] happy / have / hope / horse / head / helptWO小梦文库

[r] red / rose / green / river / road / righttWO小梦文库

[w] wait / week / water / west / woman / weathertWO小梦文库

[j] yes / yellow / young / your / year / yesterdaytWO小梦文库

I&39;m sure she sells seashells on the seashore.tWO小梦文库

I can&39;t measure the pleasure when I see the treasure.tWO小梦文库

The happy man is heading for the high hill.tWO小梦文库

Robert was running around.tWO小梦文库

The young people wore a yellow hat yesterday.tWO小梦文库

II. 总结与操练 (PRACTICE)tWO小梦文库


Fill in the blanks:tWO小梦文库

1. This ________ a black pen. Those ________ red pens. The black one isn&39;t my pen. The red ones ________ mine.tWO小梦文库

2. Tim is a policeman. Paul is a ________, too. So Tim and Paul are both ________ .tWO小梦文库

3. I have a blue bag. You have a brown ________ .tWO小梦文库

4. His shirts are old. The new ________ are not his shirts.tWO小梦文库

5. This is my bedroom. There is a desk ________ the room. There ________ some books ________ the desk. There is a picture ________ the wall. ________ the picture there are some lovely dogs. There ________ also two chairs and a bed ________ the desk.tWO小梦文库

6. ________ your bed after you get up.tWO小梦文库

7. ________ forget to lock the door when you go out.tWO小梦文库





4.盘子里有两把锋利的刀。 / 课桌里有一支铅笔。tWO小梦文库




UNIT 13~15新概念英语第一册语音、语法、情景对话及习题tWO小梦文库


I. 语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)tWO小梦文库

small / snow / plate / train / class / crytWO小梦文库

quite / queen / proud / comfort / eighthtWO小梦文库

time / long / bank / answer / thinktWO小梦文库


● Kill the timetWO小梦文库

● Cheat the journeytWO小梦文库

● Serve one righttWO小梦文库

● A plain JanetWO小梦文库

● Make a noise in the worldtWO小梦文库

● Take it easytWO小梦文库

● Go DutchtWO小梦文库

● In Rome do as the Romans do.tWO小梦文库

● Rome was not built in a day.tWO小梦文库

● Don&39;t count your chickens before they&39;re hatched.tWO小梦文库

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:tWO小梦文库

1. There ________ some bread on the table. It isn&39;t for me. ________ is for my brother.tWO小梦文库

2. I can drink ________ bottles of milk. Look, there ________ some bottles of ________ on your desk. ________ are for you.tWO小梦文库

3. There are ________ (child) in the classroom. Some of ________ are talking. The others ________ (write).tWO小梦文库

4. There ________ (be) any spoons beside the plates.tWO小梦文库

5. Is there ________ (picture) on the wall?tWO小梦文库

6. ________ you ________ (type) a letter now? ________ you ________ ________ ________ (type) another letter for me tomorrow? ________ you ________ (do) it tomorrow morning?tWO小梦文库

7. ________ you ________ (like) coffee? I like drinking it very much.tWO小梦文库

8. — Do you want a cup of tea? — Yes, ________ . / No, ________ .tWO小梦文库

9. — He ________ (like) drinking black coffee.tWO小梦文库



newspaper / five pence / have to / used totWO小梦文库

books / girls / worked / playedtWO小梦文库

added / created / divided / selectedtWO小梦文库

learned people / beloved / cursed / blessedtWO小梦文库

II. 语法小练习:tWO小梦文库

Change the forms of the sentences:tWO小梦文库

1. I like coffee.(一般疑问句)tWO小梦文库

2.Jane has a lovely doll.(否定句)tWO小梦文库

3. I can dust the table.(一般疑问句,否定句)tWO小梦文库

4. I am doing shopping.(一般疑问句及其回答)tWO小梦文库

5. Does he stay at home?(肯定句)tWO小梦文库

We aren&39;t drinking.(一般疑问句)tWO小梦文库


道歉与回答 Apologies and replies:tWO小梦文库

— Sorry for being late. / I&39;m sorry (that) ...tWO小梦文库

— I&39;m awfully sorry for that!tWO小梦文库

— Sorry to have taken up so much of your time.tWO小梦文库

— Sorry to have given / brought you so much trouble.tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s my fault. I apologize ...tWO小梦文库

— I&39;m apologizing for that! (Informal)tWO小梦文库

— I do beg you pardon, sir / madam.tWO小梦文库

— Sorry, I didn&39;t mean to ...tWO小梦文库

— I promise that it won&39;t happen again.tWO小梦文库

— I hope you&39;re not upset with me.tWO小梦文库

— It was wrong of me to ... Replies:tWO小梦文库

— It doesn&39;t matter. / you&39;re forgiven.tWO小梦文库

—That&39;s quite all right. Forget it.tWO小梦文库

— Never mind. It can&39;t be helped.tWO小梦文库


I. 语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)tWO小梦文库

this year bless youtWO小梦文库

as usual here&39;s yourstWO小梦文库

I&39;ll meet you there. Don&39;t you know that?tWO小梦文库

Would you mind opening the door? Do you like them?tWO小梦文库

II. 经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)tWO小梦文库

● sit prettytWO小梦文库

● best mantWO小梦文库

● cry babytWO小梦文库

● double DutchtWO小梦文库

● show one&39;s true colortWO小梦文库

● take home in doggy bags.tWO小梦文库

● There is no smoke without fire.tWO小梦文库

● Better late than never.tWO小梦文库

● Pride goes before a fall.tWO小梦文库


谈论天气 Talking about the weather:tWO小梦文库

— What&39;s the weather like?tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s a fine day today. The sun is shining.tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s fine / windy / sunny / rainy / cloudy / cold / hot / warm / cool.tWO小梦文库

— I bet it&39;s going to rain soon.tWO小梦文库

— Is the weather changeable here?tWO小梦文库

—What a good / nice / beautiful / wonderful / pleasant day!tWO小梦文库

— It&39;s been raining cats and dogs. — Really cold today. I&39;m freezing.tWO小梦文库

—What a terrible day! It made me down.tWO小梦文库

— It has been awfully hot this week. During the dog days, I can do nothing at all. I can&39;t bear it any more.tWO小梦文库







★ 初三英语复习课教学反思tWO小梦文库

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