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1. 翘尾因素 the carry-over effects3Wj小梦文库

2. 把钱花在刀刃上 spend our money where it counts the most3Wj小梦文库

3. 宏观审慎管理制度 a system of prudent macro management3Wj小梦文库

4. 项目续建和收尾 carrying on and completing projects3Wj小梦文库

5. “半拉子”工程 projects that are stopped midway3Wj小梦文库

6. 战略性新兴产业 emerging industries of strategic importance3Wj小梦文库

7. 物联网 the Internet of Things3Wj小梦文库

8. 节能产品惠民工程 the project to promote energy-efficient products that benefit the people3Wj小梦文库

9. 新建、改建、扩建燃煤机组 newly built, renovated or expanded coal-fired power generating unit3Wj小梦文库

10. 农业面源污染 pollution from non-point agricultural sources3Wj小梦文库

11. 余热余压发电和生活垃圾资源化利用 use by-product heat and pressure to generate electricity, and transform household solid waste into resources3Wj小梦文库

12. 主体功能区 priority zones3Wj小梦文库

13. 森林碳汇 forest carbon sinks3Wj小梦文库

14. 强农惠农政策 policies to aid agriculture and benefit farmers3Wj小梦文库

15. 早籼稻、中晚籼稻、粳稻 early indica rice, middle-season and late indica rice and japonica rice3Wj小梦文库

16. 产粮大县、养猪大县、养牛大县 major grain-producing, pork-producing, and cattle farming counties3Wj小梦文库

17. 土地出让收益 proceeds from the transfer of land-use rights3Wj小梦文库

18. 土地承包经营权流转 the transfer of contracted land use rights3Wj小梦文库

19. 国有林场/集体林权 tenure in collective forests3Wj小梦文库

20. 城镇综合承载能力 the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns3Wj小梦文库


1. 城市对农村的辐射带动作用 cities stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas3Wj小梦文库

2. 科教兴国战略和人才强国战略 the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation through human resource development3Wj小梦文库

3. 以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系 a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market provides orientation, and the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes are integrated3Wj小梦文库

4. 退伍转业军人 demobilized military personnel3Wj小梦文库

5. 初次分配和再分配 the primary and secondary distribution of income3Wj小梦文库

6. 工资总额和工资水平 total payroll and wage scales3Wj小梦文库

7. 灰色收入 off-the-books income3Wj小梦文库

8. 自住性住房消费 the purchase of homes to be used as their owners’residences3Wj小梦文库

9. 圈地不建、捂盘惜售、哄抬房价 keep land unused, property hoarding, and price rigging3Wj小梦文库

10. 慢性病、职业病、地方病 chronic, occupational, and endemic diseases3Wj小梦文库

11. 孕产妇和婴幼儿保健工作 quality health services for infants, pre-school children, and prenatal and nursing women3Wj小梦文库

12. 西部地区少生快富工程 the "lower birthrate equals faster prosperity" project in the western region3Wj小梦文库

13. 国有控股金融机构 corporate governance in financial institutions in which the state holds a controlling stake3Wj小梦文库

14. 选举权、知情权、参与权 rights to vote and to stay informed about, participate in3Wj小梦文库

15. 出口产品结构 the export mix3Wj小梦文库

16. 机电产品 electromechanical products3Wj小梦文库

17. 企业改制、征地拆迁、环境保护、劳动争议 a stockholding system, land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation, environmental protection, labor disputes3Wj小梦文库

18. 执行力和公信力 executive ability and public trust3Wj小梦文库

19. 行政问责 administrative accountability3Wj小梦文库

20. 失职渎职、不作为和乱作为 be derelict in their duty, fail to do their jobs or do them irresponsibly3Wj小梦文库


所有适龄儿童都能“不花钱、有学上” All children of school age can receive an education at no cost.3Wj小梦文库

教师绩效工资制度 the system that links the salaries of teachers in compulsory education to their performance3Wj小梦文库

中等职业教育 secondary vocational education3Wj小梦文库

农村经济困难家庭 students from poverty-stricken rural households3Wj小梦文库

城市低收入家庭 low-income urban households3Wj小梦文库

涉农专业的学生 students whose majors are related to agriculture3Wj小梦文库

农村中小学危房改造  the renovation of dilapidated primary and secondary school buildings in rural areas3Wj小梦文库

增强高校创新能力  enhance the innovation capacity of colleges and universities3Wj小梦文库

国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要 the National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for Scientific and Technological Development3Wj小梦文库

大力加强基层医疗卫生服务能力  Great efforts were made to improve the services provided by community-based medical and health care facilities.3Wj小梦文库

妇幼保健院  maternity and childcare hospital3Wj小梦文库

社区卫生服务中心 community health service center3Wj小梦文库

中医院 traditional Chinese medicine hospital3Wj小梦文库

汶川灾后恢复重建 The post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction work in Wenchuan3Wj小梦文库

中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的伟大精神不可战胜The indomitable and unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation is invincible.3Wj小梦文库

国家中长期人才发展规划纲要 the National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for Human Resource Development3Wj小梦文库

“五五”普法顺利完成 smoothly implement the fifth five-year plan to educate the public about the law3Wj小梦文库

必须坚持统筹国内国际两个大局 We must consider the overall domestic and international situations.3Wj小梦文库

必须树立世界眼光,加强战略思维 adopt a global perspective, and strengthen our strategic thinking3Wj小梦文库

稳妥应对风险挑战 respond prudently to risks and challenges3Wj小梦文库

真正做到内外兼顾、均衡发展  truly take into consideration both domestic and external demand to achieve balanced development3Wj小梦文库

提高改革决策的科学性,增强改革措施的协调性 make reform decisions more scientific and reform measures better coordinated3Wj小梦文库

最大限度解放和发展生产力 fully liberate and develop the productive forces3Wj小梦文库

人民安居乐业、社会安宁有序、国家长治久安 People are content with their lives and jobs, society is tranquil and orderly, and the country enjoys long-term peace and stability.3Wj小梦文库

“十二五”时期  the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period3Wj小梦文库

高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics3Wj小梦文库

邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory3Wj小梦文库

“三个代表”重要思想 the important thought of Three Represents3Wj小梦文库

科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development3Wj小梦文库

推动经济发展再上新台阶 propel economic development to a new level3Wj小梦文库

把短期调控政策和长期发展政策结合起来 integrate short-term control policies with long-term development policies3Wj小梦文库

改造提升制造业 upgrade the manufacturing industry3Wj小梦文库

社会主义新农村建设  a new socialist countryside3Wj小梦文库

一二三产业 primary, secondary and tertiary industries3Wj小梦文库

森林蓄积量 forest stock3Wj小梦文库

提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重,加快形成合理的收入分配格局 increase the proportion of wages in the primary distribution of income and make the pattern of income distribution more reasonable3Wj小梦文库

社会保障制度 the social security system3Wj小梦文库

提高保障水平 raise social security benefits3Wj小梦文库

计划生育基本国策 the basic state policy on family planning3Wj小梦文库

人均预期寿命 the average life expectancy3Wj小梦文库

大力推进经济体制改革 vigorously press ahead with economic restructuring3Wj小梦文库

扩大社会主义民主 expand socialist democracy3Wj小梦文库

完善社会主义法制  improve the socialist legal system3Wj小梦文库

使上层建筑更加适应经济基础发展变化 make the superstructure more responsive to the development and changes in the economic base3Wj小梦文库

构建组织多元、服务高效、监管审慎、风险可控的金融体系 develop a financial system that is comprised of diverse organizations, provides efficient service, exercises prudent oversight, and keeps risks within bounds3Wj小梦文库

深化资源性产品价格和环保收费改革,加快财税金融体制改革 deepen the reform of the prices for resource products and environmental protection charges3Wj小梦文库

坚持依法治国基本方略 uphold the rule of law as a basic strategy3Wj小梦文库

实行科学、民主决策 make decisions scientifically and democratically3Wj小梦文库

居民消费价格涨幅控制在3.3 % The increase in the CPI was held in check at 3.3%.3Wj小梦文库

国际收支状况有所改善 The balance of payments situation improved.3Wj小梦文库

主权债务危机 sovereign debt crises3Wj小梦文库

宽松货币政策 eased monetary policies3Wj小梦文库

全球流动性大量增加 Global liquidity has increased greatly.3Wj小梦文库

主要货币汇率 the exchange rates of major currencies3Wj小梦文库

新兴市场资产泡沫和通胀压力加大 Asset bubbles and inflationary pressure have grown in emerging markets.3Wj小梦文库

保护主义继续升温 Protectionism continues to heat up.3Wj小梦文库

保持清醒头脑 keep our heads clear3Wj小梦文库

增强忧患意识,做好应对风险的准备 be more mindful of potential dangers, and be prepared to respond to risks3Wj小梦文库

城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内 keep the registered urban unemployment rate at 4.6% or lower3Wj小梦文库

提高针对性、灵活性、有效性 make them more targeted, flexible and effective3Wj小梦文库

保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模 We will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels.3Wj小梦文库

压缩一般性支出 decrease ordinary expenditures3Wj小梦文库

对地方政府性债务进行全面审计 audit local government debt3Wj小梦文库

实施全口径监管 carry out complete oversight and control3Wj小梦文库

研究建立规范的地方政府举债融资机制 establish a standardized financing mechanism for local governments to borrow money3Wj小梦文库

保持合理的社会融资规模 keep financing from all sources at an appropriate level3Wj小梦文库

广义货币增长目标为16 % set a target of a 16% increase in the broad money supply (M2)3Wj小梦文库

“两高”行业和产能过剩行业  Industries that consume large quantities of energy and resources, are highly polluting or have excess capacity.3Wj小梦文库

进一步完善人民币汇率形成机制 We will further improve the mechanism for setting RMB exchange rates.3Wj小梦文库


1. 安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment3Wj小梦文库

白手起家build up from nothing / build up from scratch / start from scratch3Wj小梦文库

百里挑一one in a hundred / the cream of the crop3Wj小梦文库

2. 百折不挠be indomitable3Wj小梦文库

半途而废give up halfway / leave sth. unfinished3Wj小梦文库

包罗万象all-embracing / all-inclusive3Wj小梦文库

3. 饱经风霜weather-beaten3Wj小梦文库

卑躬屈膝bow and scrape / cringe3Wj小梦文库

悲欢离合vicissitudes of life3Wj小梦文库

4. 背道而驰run counter to / run in the opposite direction3Wj小梦文库

本末倒置put the cart before the horse3Wj小梦文库

必由之路the only way3Wj小梦文库

5. 闭关自守close the country to international intercourse3Wj小梦文库

变本加厉be further intensified3Wj小梦文库

别有用心have ulterior motives3Wj小梦文库

6. 彬彬有礼refined and courteous / urbane3Wj小梦文库

兵不厌诈in war nothing is too deceitful3Wj小梦文库

博古通今erudite and informed3Wj小梦文库

7. 不败之地invincible position3Wj小梦文库

不耻下问feel not ashamed to learn from one’s subordinates3Wj小梦文库

不可救药be past praying for / beyond redemption3Wj小梦文库

8. 不劳而获reap where one has not sown3Wj小梦文库

不屈不挠fortitude / perseverance / persevere / tenacity3Wj小梦文库

不速之客gate crasher / uninvited guest3Wj小梦文库

9. 不同凡响outstanding3Wj小梦文库

不言而喻speak for itself / tell its own story / tell its own tale / go without saying3Wj小梦文库

不远千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance3Wj小梦文库

10. 不约而同happen to coincide3Wj小梦文库

不择手段by any kind of means / by hook or crook / play hard by fair means or foul3Wj小梦文库

不知所措be at a loss / be all adrift / lose one’s head / out of one’s wits3Wj小梦文库

11. 才疏学浅have little talent and learning3Wj小梦文库

惨绝人寰extremely cruel3Wj小梦文库

沧海桑田time brings a great change to the worlds3Wj小梦文库

12. 沧海一粟 / 九牛一毛a drop in the bucket3Wj小梦文库

草木皆兵a state of extreme nervousness3Wj小梦文库

察言观色carefully watch what sb. is doing and saying3Wj小梦文库

13. 姹紫嫣红very beautiful flowers3Wj小梦文库

车水马龙heavy traffic3Wj小梦文库


14. 趁热打铁strike while iron is hot3Wj小梦文库

诚惶诚恐with reverence and awe3Wj小梦文库

诚心诚意with sincere desire3Wj小梦文库

15. 承上启下a connecting link between the preceding and the following3Wj小梦文库

吃里扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly3Wj小梦文库

痴心妄想、胡思乱想wishful thinking3Wj小梦文库

16. 叱咤风云ride the whirlwind3Wj小梦文库

愁眉苦脸pull a long face / snoot3Wj小梦文库

臭名远扬,臭名昭著notorious / flagrant3Wj小梦文库

17. 出口成章have an outstanding eloquence3Wj小梦文库

出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action3Wj小梦文库

出生入死go through fire and water3Wj小梦文库

18. 触类旁通comprehend by analogy3Wj小梦文库

绰绰有余more than sufficient3Wj小梦文库

此起彼伏as one falls, another rises / keep cropping up / keep emerging3Wj小梦文库

19. 从容不迫go easy / take one’s time3Wj小梦文库

粗枝大叶careless / slapdash / sloppy3Wj小梦文库

措手不及unaware / unprepared3Wj小梦文库

20. 打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy3Wj小梦文库

大材小用waste one’s talent on a petty job3Wj小梦文库

大惑不解be extremely puzzled3Wj小梦文库

21. 大惊小怪a storm in a teacup3Wj小梦文库

大快人心afford general satisfaction3Wj小梦文库

大名鼎鼎famous / well known3Wj小梦文库

22. 大器晚成great minds mature slowly3Wj小梦文库

大千世界the boundless universe3Wj小梦文库

大失所望greatly disappointed3Wj小梦文库

23. 大显身手、大显神通strut one’s stuff3Wj小梦文库

大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice3Wj小梦文库

大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty3Wj小梦文库

24. 大智若愚Still waters run deep / An empty vessel makes the most sound / Still water runs deep3Wj小梦文库

呆若木鸡dumbstruck / transfixed3Wj小梦文库

待人接物the way one gets along with others3Wj小梦文库

25. 殚思极虑rack one’s brains3Wj小梦文库


淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth3Wj小梦文库

26. 道貌岸然be sanctimonious3Wj小梦文库

得过且过drift along / muddle along3Wj小梦文库


27. 得心应手handy / with facility3Wj小梦文库

得意忘形 / 得意洋洋 bloat / get dizzy with success / ride high / high-blown / perky / triumphant3Wj小梦文库

德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity3Wj小梦文库

28. 德高望重sainted / saint-like3Wj小梦文库

登峰造极reach the limit / reach the peak of perfection3Wj小梦文库

地大物博vast territory and abundant resources3Wj小梦文库





