例句-1: see that well-dressed man across the room? that&39;s mr. green. when he came to new york 20 years ago, he was only a hick fresh out of the cornfields of kansas. but he turned out to be a lot smarter than he looked; they say he made ten million dollars last year trading in the stock exchange.
例句-2: my roommate in my freshman year was a real hick. he came from a town so small it didn&39;t have a stop light, a building with an elevator or a movie theater.
美国农民的人数现在越来越少了。一百年前,美国有百分之四十二的人生活在农村。可是,随着城镇的发展和农业机械化,美国农民的人数现在已经下降到只占总人口的百分之二点二。农民用来贬低城里人的名词很有限。他们常用的一个是:city slicker。slick这个字的意思是很滑流。所以,一个city slicker 也就是说话很圆滑,衣着很时髦,但是很可能是一个不老实、不可信任的家伙。比如说,一个农民的女儿就要到城里去工作,这个农民对他的妻子说:
例句-3: yep, i told susie not to go out with any of them city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes. if she has to go out, look for a farm boy. he may be a hick, but she can trust him a whole lot more.
例句-4: sure, a city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like new york. but you put him down on a farm and he won&39;t do much better than a newborn baby!