要注意的是,要说到在某个问题上意见一致或不同的时候,我们通常用介词on。在刚才的句子里,我们说,they do not see eye to eye on how to sanction iran。
下面我们来听一个例句。 这是一个公司的老板在告诉大家为什么他的公司经营得很成功。
例句-1:our business has been successful because tom and i work so well together. sure, we have some differences in personality, but on the important things, like which businesses to invest in and who to hire, we see eye to eye.
to see eye to eye这个习惯用语最早出现在1600年的圣经译文中,可是现在美国人仍然经常使用。下面我们再来举一个例子。这是一个丈夫在说他的婚姻问题。
例句-2:at the beginning of our marriage we wanted the same things, but over the years we&39;ve grown apart. now, for example, i want a family but she doesn&39;t, and she wants to stay in the city but i want to get out. the fact is we no longer see eye to eye.
这个例句里说这对夫妇grow apart。grow是成长,apart是分开。不管是大人,还是小孩,每个人在生活中天天都在成长,都有变化。夫妇俩由于学习,工作或其他因素逐渐分道扬镳的现象是很多的。这也是美国人离婚时提出的理由之一。