一个在职的妇女既要做好工作,又要照顾好家庭,这就需要a balancing act。比如说,有一个人想要买一辆既省油,又有利于环保的汽车,可是这种车价格比较高。我们来听听他是怎么考虑的:
例句-1:Of course, I&39;m concerned about the environment. And I&39;d certainly think about buying a car that helps reduce air pollution. But I&39;d also have to look at what I&39;d be paying for the latest technology to achieve such a goal. For me, it&39;s a balancing act.
例句-2:The president of my company certainly has a demanding job. Not only is she required to oversee hundreds of employees, but she&39;s also expected to please our investors. With so many different people with different interests to consider, her job is quite a balancing act.
许多工作都是需要权衡兼顾,a balancing act。比如说,政界人士要设法满足具有不同观点和要求的选民。外交官在调解冲突的时候也要让争论的双方觉得满意。他们都需要a balancing act。