例句-1: "you know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in english class? she keeps turning me down for dates, but i finally got a foot in the door today: she met me for coffee after class."
例句-2: "getting into politics is tough. but martin got his foot in the door when he volunteered to go around town putting up posters for the republican candidate for congress."
一整天在电线干上贴标语或招贴画确实是很累的。马丁回到家的时候可能会感到两只脚累得连站都站不动了。这也有一个俗语来形容这种情景的: to be dead on one&39;s feet。美国虽然是最先进的国家之一,但仍然有好多职业需要工作人员站着做的。售货员就是其中之一。站了一天,到了下班的时候,他们必然会感到两只脚很累。下面就是一个售货员在对他的太太讲话:
例句-3: "honey, i&39;ve got to sit down and rest before i take you out to dinner. i&39;m really dead on my feet tonight: we had the big year-end sale on and i was so busy i didn&39;t even have time for lunch."
例句-4: "my parents took me to constitution avenue to see the parade. after standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet that she could not even cook dinner for us by the time we got home."
今天我们给大家讲解了两个和脚,也就是英文里的 foot 或者是 feet 有关的俗语。我们讲的第一个俗语是:to get a foot in the door,这是指为了达到一个目的而迈出了第一步。今天我们讲的第二个俗语是: to be dead on one&39;s feet,这是指两只脚非常累。